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Comparative Essay Even when there are obvious differences, there are also similarities.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative Essay Even when there are obvious differences, there are also similarities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative Essay Even when there are obvious differences, there are also similarities.

2 The Basic Core Rubric: 1. Has an Acceptable Thesis. [1 Point] 2
The Basic Core Rubric: 1. Has an Acceptable Thesis. [1 Point] 2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. [2 Points but Partial Credit May Be Given] 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. [2 Points but Partial Credit May Be Given] 4. Makes at least one relevant, direct comparison between/among societies. [1 Point] 5. Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison. [1 Point] The Expanded Core Points: Expands beyond the basic core of 1 – 7 points

3 The Method: Step 1: Underline key words in question Step 2: Quick List All Facts about Topics

4 Step 3: Cross out what cannot be used in the essay

5 Step 4: Write the Thesis Identify a specific similarity Identify a specific difference Rule of Two – one similarity and one difference Rule of Three – two similarities and one difference or vice versa

6 Step 5: Rules for each paragraph
First sentence is a comparative statement identifying the similarity specifically or the difference Then provide details about the historical evidence to demonstrate the similarity or difference Then analysis

7 What is Analysis? It is not description It is evaluation It is examining the causes and consequences of the fact It is interpretation Example: Fact: During the Neolithic Revolution, people learned to domesticate plants and animals. Analysis: As a result of the Neolithic Revolution, patriarchy and class divisions developed.

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