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Attitude is a Choice—The Most Important One You’ll Ever Make

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1 Attitude is a Choice—The Most Important One You’ll Ever Make
Chapter 5 Life’s Greatest lessons 20 things that matter most By Hal Urban

2 How can you have a good attitude when your world is caving in?
Record this statement on your paper: How one THINKS about events is far more important than the EVENTS THEMSELVES Dr. Viktor Frankl Placed in a concentration camp Everything was taken away from him How would you respond?

3 Even in the prison camp, there were always choices to make
Saw many horrible things; he said the worst was seeing fellow prisoners decide that there was nothing left to live for, and they would give up on life One things Nazis couldn’t take away = his ability to choose his own attitude Even in the prison camp, there were always choices to make Record this statement on your paper: We can become the victim of circumstances, or we can be victorious over them Life is Beautiful

4 Why attitude is so important
It is proven in studies that attitude is more important than intelligence, education, special talent, or luck. Record this statement on your paper: Up to 85% of our success in life is due to attitude, while only the other 15% is due to ability Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes We can direct our thoughts to work for us or against us MJ What's inside you? Amazing triathlete

5 Your attitude is what you say when you talk to yourself
We all engage in self-talk Our self-talk is our attitude Do you need an attitude adjustment?

6 Three great ways to approach life…
The right approach to anything sets the stage for creating the results we hope for I've got a feeling... Record the following 3 great ways to approach life on your paper:

7 1. Think with an open mind You’ll never learn anything until you learn to open your mind Don’t think you already know everything The purpose of an education isn’t to fill your mind, but to open it The more knowledge you have, the more you realize how much you don’t know Mr. Know-it-all

8 2. Think for yourself Don’t give up the right to choose your thoughts
You can do the things that are right, instead of the things that everyone else is doing Peer pressure

9 3. Think constructively People who succeed in life don’t think they can, they believe they can No one can have positive thoughts 100% of the time…but don’t let yourself be dragged down by negatives Comparing the human mind to a computer-GIGO Feed the mind with useful information in order to function at maximum efficiency Keep out the garbage

10 “If you think you can do it, or you think you can't do it, you are right.”
Henry Ford

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