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Lidia Morawska Queensland University of Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Lidia Morawska Queensland University of Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lidia Morawska Queensland University of Technology
How to write a good paper? ILAQH, QUT World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Air Pollution and Health Lidia Morawska Queensland University of Technology

2 Good paper For a good peer reviewed journal (in your field)
To communicate information

3 What is a good journal? The Lancet, IF 53.254 Science, IF 41.058
Environmental Health Perspectives, IF 8.440 Environment International, IF 7.297 Environmental Science & Technology, IF 6.653 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, IF 5.509 Environmental Research, IF 4.732 Science of the Total Environment, IF 4.610 Indoor Air, IF 4.396 Environmental Pollution, IF 4.358 Atmospheric Environment, IF 3.708 Journal of Aerosol Science, IF 2.042 Where we publish

4 Important information communication

5 Ask big/good questions
Well defined aim So what factor A graduate student Martha McClintock, suggested pheromones as the cause of menstrual synchrony. (McClintock 1971, Nature ).

6 The Abstract and its role
This is what the Editor sees first! What should your Abstract include: What is the research problem and why it is important Aim of the study How it was addressed (experiment, analyses, etc) Results So what factor

7 Introduction Short and to the point
(leave the rest for the Discussion) Should end with a very clearly explained aim of the study

8 Methods Be exhaustive: all what you have done how you have done it
why you have done it this way …need to be included

9 Results and Discussion:
or separate sections? What to include in the body of the paper and what in the supplementary?

10 Relation between the Aim and Conclusions
Very clear explanation how the outcomes of the study addressed the aim

11 References Relevant to the paper Your papers: only a few relevant
As recent as possible

12 (…in other words: be critical)
Be your own reviewer (…in other words: be critical)

13 Be honest Explain in detail all the problems and limitations: highlight them, don’t hide! “Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom”. Thomas Jefferson US President Plagiarism can kill your career! (and is very easy to detect)

14 By inclusive Think who to invite to join and help with the paper
Give credit to all who helped (co-authorship or acknowledgement)


16 STOTEN By definition total environment studies must be multidisciplinary Studies that focus on at least two or three of the ‘spheres’ are given primary consideration Papers reporting results from only one sphere are not considered Field studies are given priority over laboratory studies


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