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The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed? B15558 Midori Nakamura.

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Presentation on theme: "The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed? B15558 Midori Nakamura."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed?
B15558 Midori Nakamura

2 1. Introduction (BBC News Japan 2017)

3 1. Introduction (National Geographic News 2018)

4 1. Introduction (Hijikata 2018a)

5 1. Introduction (Mainichi Shimbun 2018a)

6 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

7 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

8 2. Definition of Terms CO2 Air pollution Water pollution
Environmental protection: any activity to maintain or restore the quality of environmental media through preventing the emission of pollutants or reducing the presence of polluting substances in environmental media (OECD 2003). CO2 Air pollution plastic Environmental Protection: any activity to maintain or restore the quality of environmental media through preventing the emission of pollutants or reducing the presence of polluting substances in environmental media (OECD, 2003). Water pollution Soil pollution waste

9 2. Definition of Terms The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed? The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

10 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

11 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment

12 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 “Mottainai” spirit: 『対象に付与した主観的価値が,十分に発揮されることなく,無駄に終わってしまうことを惜しむ情動』 (Kurokawa 2015) Mottaianai: to concern that an object is wasted without being fulfilled its value (Kurokawa, 2015).

13 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 “Mottainai” spirit Mottaianai: to concern that an object is wasted without being fulfilled its value.

14 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 “Mottainai” spirit 3R Reduce Reuse Recycle Mottaianai: to concern that an object is wasted without being fulfilled its value. 4R 3R+Respect

15 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 “Mottainai” spirit Figure1: The Amount of Household Refuse per Person (kg) Mottaianai: to concern that an object is wasted without being fulfilled its value. (Fujimoto 2016)

16 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 “Mottainai” spirit CO2 plastic waste Water Pollution Soil Pollution Air Pollution The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

17 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment

18 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment (Mainichi Shimbun 1968)

19 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment The Process of Sewage Treatment in Japan (Bureau of Sewage 2016)

20 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment (Kobe City 2014)

21 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment Figure2: 政令指定都市における下水道の普及率 AVE: 94.3% (Japan Sewage Works Association 2017)

22 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment Figure3: The Sewage Coverage in Other Countries (OECD 2018)

23 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment CO2 plastic waste Water Pollution Soil Pollution Air Pollution The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

24 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

25 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

26 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction Figure4: Global Mismanaged Plastic by Region in 2010 (Jambeck, Geyer, Wilcox, Siegler, Perryman, Andrady & Law 2015)

27 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction Figure5: The Amount of Plastic Waste Generation in 2010 CHN 59.08 USA 57.83 JPN 7.99 BRA 11.85 (Jambeck, Geyer, Wilcox, Siegler, Perryman, Andrady & Law 2015)

28 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction Figure6: The Quantity of Annual Plastic Waste (Geyer, Jambeck, and Law 2017)

29 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction (Mainichi Shimbun 2018b)

30 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction CO2 plastic waste Water Pollution Soil Pollution Air Pollution The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

31 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

32 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission Figure7: Domestic Energy Supply in 2017 Fossil Fuel: 81.7% (ISEP 2017)

33 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission Figure8: CO2 Emission by Fossil Burning (Global Energy Statistical Year Book 2018)

34 4. Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country
4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission Figure9: CO2 Emission per Person (Japan Centre for Climate Change Actions 2015)

35 3. Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country
4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission CO2 plastic waste Water Pollution Soil Pollution Air Pollution The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

36 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

37 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

38 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 10.8 Times Bigger!!
Figure10: 日本の食品廃棄量と世界の食糧支援量の比較 10.8 Times Bigger!! (Ministry of the Environment, 2018; Public Relations Office 2016)

39 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit Table1: 衣料廃棄物のゆくえ (Kimura 2010)

40 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

41 5. Analysis 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment (Asahi Shimbun 2010)

42 5. Analysis 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
(Nihon Keizai Shimbun 2015)

43 5. Analysis 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment Figure12: 各国における処理水の再利用率
(Ito 2017)

44 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

45 5. Analysis 4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction
(Mainichi Shimbun 2018c)

46 5. Analysis 4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 企業名
プラスチック使用に関する方針 すかいらーく 年内から順次廃止 オリエンタルランド プラスチック廃棄物の削減を検討中 イケアジャパン 2年後までに販売中止 スターバックスジャパン 2年後までに廃止 日本航空 具体的な予定は決まっていないが社内で検討中 マクドナルド 紙製への切り替えを検討 10/1-10/31には東京都庁内でのカフェ(Tully’sなど)で紙ストローの提供が試験的に行われた。 (Sankei Shimbun 2018)

47 5. Analysis 4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction
環境省による使い捨てプラスチックの削減目標への言及は初めて。 使い捨てプラスチックの排出量を30年までに25%減らすとした。 (Nihon Keizai Shimbun 2018)

48 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

49 5. Analysis 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission
Figure13: 標準家庭における賦課金の推移 (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy 2017a)

50 5. Analysis 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission
Figure14: 住宅用太陽光発電導入件数の推移 (Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association 2017)

51 5. Analysis 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission -12.3% +10.2%
Figure15: The Comparison of Electricity Generation in 1973 and 2017 1973 Fossil Fuel: 94% Renewable Energy: 5.4% 2017 Fossil Fuel: 81.7% Renewable Energy: 15.6% -12.3% +10.2% (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy 2017a; ISEP 2017)

52 5. Analysis 3.1 Mottainai Spirit 3.2 High Quality Sewage Treatment
4.1 Negative Attitude toward Plastic Restriction 4.2 The Big Amount of CO2 Emission

53 Outline Introduction Definition of Terms
Japan as Environmentally Progressive Country Japan as Environmentally Under-developed Country Analysis Conclusion

54 6. Conclusion The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed? The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is or to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. A Model to the World Lagging Behind

55 6. Conclusion Lagging Behind
The Measures in Japan and Japanese Culture Is to Remove Substances Causing Environmental Pollution. Lagging Behind

56 Thanks for Listening! The Measures and Culture for Environmental Protection in Japan: Progressive or Under-developed? B15558 Midori Nakamura

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