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Hand-Foot-And Mouth Disease

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Presentation on theme: "Hand-Foot-And Mouth Disease"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand-Foot-And Mouth Disease
By: Saylor Middleton & Lauren Inman

2 Picture of Disease

3 Scientific Description

4 Causes of the Disease Caused by a virus called coxsackievirus.
Someone who has it can be spread by contact with another human that has it. It is very contagious Symptoms Fever Sore throat Rashes Sores Loss of appetite Canker sore Blister

5 Cure of the Disease In most cases, the infection will go away without treatment in seven to 10 days. However, your doctor may recommend certain treatments to help ease symptoms until the disease has run its course. You can use medication such as ibuprofen, tylenol, and Motrin to ease the pain There is no prescription treatment At home remedies include Suck on ice or popsicles. Eat ice cream or sherbet. Drink cold beverages. Avoid citrus fruits, fruit drinks, and soda. Avoid spicy or salty foods.

6 Worst case Scenario The worst case scenario is that a child dies from this disease. Other worst case scenarios is that it can lead to damage of the heart, lungs, or brain.

7 3 Facts Most commonly kids under the age of 10 get this disease.
The doctor doesn’t have to run tests, they can just tell by the virus, or sores on the hands, feet, or mouth. Finger nails could fall off post infection.

8 PSA This just in there has been a breakout of Hand-Foot- And Mouth disease or virus called coxsackievirus, it can be cured, and if it’s not it can be fatal. It is most common in young children from the ages 5-10 and adults could also get the disease, because it is very contagious. But no worries, there is a cure, and you might not even have to go to the doctor, and there is no medical prescription to cure it, you would just need to take tylenol or motrin to help ease the pain.

9 Sources

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