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ECONOMICS: September 6 Warm-up: Eagle Ford Shale Play Map and Oil Production Statistics --What do consumers, businesses, and the government have to consider.

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Presentation on theme: "ECONOMICS: September 6 Warm-up: Eagle Ford Shale Play Map and Oil Production Statistics --What do consumers, businesses, and the government have to consider."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECONOMICS: September 6 Warm-up: Eagle Ford Shale Play Map and Oil Production Statistics --What do consumers, businesses, and the government have to consider when dealing with the oil industry? Learning Target: In order to understand the concept of economic growth, I will be able to identify the determinants of economic growth. I will know I have it when I can accurately solve all scenarios depicting economic growth on the production possibilities diagram. Using Economic Models (follow along with Ch. 1, Lesson 3, Day 1 Guide—HO) --per capita GDP and standard of living --3 determinants of economic growth (graphic organizer) --showing economic growth on the production possibilities model and PPC basics review --education and economic growth (education pays!) Closure: How do you think education and fracking impacts the production possibilities model that we discussed earlier? Assignment: --read Ch. 1, Lesson 3

2 Question: What do consumers, businesses, and the government have to consider when working in and dealing with the oil industry?

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