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Meeting on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive
Agenda point 2 Introduction on identification of spatial data sets and priority setting 1


3 Scope of INSPIRE – need for priority setting INSPIRE covers a wide variety of data sets (34 spatial data themes) supporting environment policy Not everything can be done at the same time Benefits at EU level only materialise if all MS focus on the same priorities Given the gaps and delays in implementation, the Commission proposes that all MS focus on the same priorities This priority setting will be discussed bilaterally but also with all MS at the next MIG/P

4 Hardly any of these data sets can be found in the GeoPortal!
Focus reporting – Example UWWTD (1) Implementation and reporting under Articles 15 and 17 of UWWTD (91/271/EEC) include information on: Planning (e.g designation and establishment of sensitive areas) Regulation (e.g. agglomerations with more than 2000 population equivalent are supplied with collecting systems…) Monitoring (e.g parameters monitored from both discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants and receiving waters) Information and reporting (e.g. efficiency of treatment plants …) Hardly any of these data sets can be found in the GeoPortal!

5 Focus reporting – Example UWWTD (2)
* Reporting Obligations Database EEA: see for UWWT

6 WFD spatial objects & links to INSPIRE data specifications

7 Identification of spatial data sets in reporting
Problem: Analysis of the Member States monitoring reports and EU geo-portal shows: a considerable amount of spatial data required by reporting of legislation set out in table 1 has not yet been brought online Solution: Parallel process at EU and national level: EU (MIG-P) will discuss minimum list of spatial data sets stemming MS are invited to coordinate between INSPIRE and reporting expert a wider national list of relevant data sets for reporting and implementation

8 Identification of spatial
data sets in reporting

9 Questions Do you agree with our assessment that a considerable number of spatial data sets are not yet reported and available online? In your case, what are the reasons why those data sets are not yet identified and online? What are your plans to identify the 'missing' data sets and to bring them online?

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