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Chapter 10 Notes Section 1 and 2 Section 2, Part 2 Section 3 Section 4.

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1 Chapter 10 Notes Section 1 and 2 Section 2, Part 2 Section 3 Section 4

2 House of Representatives
435 Members (a # which is set by Congress) The original House of Representatives had only 65 members. House members serve 2 year terms Why 2 years?

3 House Apportionment Reps. are apportioned based on state pop.
They are reapportioned every 10 years based on the national census. The Reapportionment Act of 1929 set the “permanent” size of the House at 435


5 Qualifications 25 years old Citizen for 7 yrs.
Inhabitant of the state where he/she is elected The realities of politics also require some informal qualifications, such as party identification, name familiarity, gender, ethnic characteristics, and political experience.

6 The Senate 2 Senators per state (100 total)
Serve 6 year terms (1/3 of the Senate is up for re-election every 2 years) Until the 17th Amendment (1913), Senators were elected by State Legislatures The Senate is a continuous body, meaning that all of its seats are never up for election at the same time.

7 Senate Qualifications
30 years old Citizen for 9 years Inhabitant of the state where elected (though not for any specific period of time)

8 Senate House Qualifications (age, citizenship) Terms Pay Number Who they represent?

9 Job of Congress Members
Work in committee to screen proposed laws Oversight Function – a way to check agencies of the Executive Branch Represent the people (constituents) Law Making Serving their constituents

10 Voting Options Trustees – believe that each question they face must be decided on its merit Delegates – see themselves as agents of the people they represent Partisans – lawmakers who see their allegiance to their political party as being the most important Politicos – attempt to combine all three

11 Compensation House and Senate - $174,000 Pay is set by Congress
The franking privilege allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials postage-free Office budget

12 Voting Dilemma #1 You are a Democratic Senator from Michigan, and the federal government wants to put wind turbines in Lake Michigan to lessen America’s reliance on foreign oil. The tourist, shipping and boating industries do not support this proposal. However, it will help the environment and bring much needed revenue to the state and federal budgets.

13 Voting Dilemma #2 In your Congressional District is a landfill in which trash from Canada is being trucked in, bringing much needed business and jobs to the area. However, the trash is highly toxic, and extremely small traces of toxins have been found in nearby wells. Businesses appreciate the income, but voters take issue with the environmental concerns.

14 Voting Dilemma #3 The national government wants to increase the tax on gasoline by $.50 and devote that to alternative fuels. The prediction is that in 25 years, the United States would no longer need any foreign oil. This would make a dramatic impact on the middle to lower class, but remove the US from foreign oil. The majority of citizens do not want this and feel they cannot afford

15 Voting Dilemma #4 You are a Senator from a small state with a large naval base that is at the heart of the state’s economy. The President, who is a member of your political party, has created a defense spending reform package that is designed to construct a smarter and more up-to-date national security budget, an objective that serves the national interest. Part of the reform package is the closing of the military bases that no longer serve any vital purpose and redirecting money into programs that will protect national security. One of the bases that must be closed is the huge naval base in your state. Your constituents are certain to take a short-term economic loss, but the nation is better served with its closing.

16 Question #1 Senators may be elected to how many terms? two four six
there is no limit

17 Question #2 Which states were in favor of the representation that was set up in the Senate? Slave States Free States States with smaller populations States with larger populations

18 Question #3 According to the Constitution, which of the following is NOT a requirement for a senator? must have served in the State legislature must be at least 30 years old must have been a U.S. citizen for nine years or more must be a resident of the State he or she will represent

19 Question #4 What is the benefit to the nation of senators' six-year terms? Each senator has time to build a reputation that can carry him or her to the White House. Longer terms allow senators to make decisions based on what they think is right, rather than reacting to public opinion. Senators don't need to accept as much money as other politicians and are less swayed by special interests. Senators are able to lead public policy.

20 Question #5 Which of the following is NOT one of the five major roles of members of Congress? partisan committee member servant of constituents legislator

21 Question #6 Which of the following is NOT a qualification for House membership? must have been a U.S. citizen for seven years or more must live in the State from which elected must have been born in the United States must be 25 years old or older

22 Question #7 A member of Congress who votes according to the way he or she thinks the majority of the State's voters would vote is known as a delegate. trustee. partisan. politico.

23 Question #8 Congressional pay is determined by the President.
the Congressional Budget Office. Congress. voter referendum.

24 Question #9 Which of the following is NOT a type of voting option for members of Congress? voting as a trustee partisan voting bureaucratic voting voting as a delegate

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