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The World of Labor is changing rapidly!

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Labor is changing rapidly!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Labor is changing rapidly!
Global Labor Trends The World of Labor is changing rapidly!

2 Flexible Labor Markets
Costs Benefits

3 Buy American?
Please watch this video if you were absent Wed. (AP Calc. Exam)

4 New Labor Trends Over the past 15 years Labor has significantly changed United States: Unions are declining Less “Job Security” Declining Manufacturing Jobs Rising Demand for Educated Workers ↑ Gap between Rich & Poor Globally: Globalization: “free trade” with other countries Collapse of Soviet Union & Communist Economies China & India emerge as economic powers European Union forms common currency

5 Jobs that last? Article Analysis

6 Income Distribution Free markets focus on EFFICIENCY not EQUALITY
United States has enormous wealth but tremendous inequality record gap between the very rich and the very poor

7 Income Distribution Bottom 20% Top 5% 1968 $7,900 $83,000
$7, $83,000 $7, $130,000 Change: + 1.0% +56.0% D2 The pay gap widens!

8 CEO Pay vs. Average Worker
to 1 to 1 to 1

9 Who is Rich in America: Video Analysis
Survival of The fittest! Mr. Rodgers on trial:

10 2009 College Graduate Job Market

11 Flexible & Changing U.S. Job Market
Who is Rich in America: Video Part II Survival of The fittest! Flexible & Changing U.S. Job Market Outsourcing via Free Trade Declining power of Unions Little “Job Security” Last 17 min. of video…

12 Van Heusen Shirt Company
3 of 8 Factories close => move to Latin America What are workers owed by a company?

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