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Hoy vamos a…….. aprender cómo decir ‘I went’ y ‘I bought’ en español

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy vamos a…….. aprender cómo decir ‘I went’ y ‘I bought’ en español"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hoy vamos a…….. aprender cómo decir ‘I went’ y ‘I bought’ en español
Aim of the lesson is to teach’ fui’ and ‘compre’ as separate lexical items. Stress how useful it is to remember how to say I went and I bought and how easier this is in Spanish. Talk about levels, encouraging them to relate these past tense expressions with making clear progress in Spanish.

3 Introduce the items from the song so that these won’t be a barrier
Introduce the items from the song so that these won’t be a barrier. What we really want them to get from the song is ‘fui’ and ‘compre’ ½ kg 100 g

4 Fui al mercado y compré …

5 Hoy hemos…….. aprendido cómo decir ‘I went’ y ‘I bought’ en español p

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