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Monica Franco ESC Region XIX (915) 780-5320
True Colors Monica Franco ESC Region XIX (915) Introduce self and give background information for reliability.
Our time in a nutshell… Introduction about True Colors
What Color Am I Survey? Attributes/Introvert or Extrovert Joys & Stressors Perceptions Briefly review the day for the group. This is for all your gold folks out there. Ask if there are any questions. Let them know that they will go to lunch at about 11:30. We will have breaks as needed.
Did you know that… People are intrinsically different?
Yet we sometimes expect equality in many aspects of what we do. Is this true of family members, students, & relationships?
About True Colors Don Lowry created the metaphor, True Colors, to translate complicated personality and learning theory into practical information we can all understand and use. He has developed an easy and entertaining way to understand ourselves and others. True Colors is based on the work of Myers and Briggs. Read from the slide. Ask the audience if they have ever taken any personality typing instruments. Ask for a show of hands then ask for a couple of individuals to share their findings with the rest of the audience if they can remember. Use this as a point of reference and why Don Lowry created True Colors.
The Benefits of Knowing Your True Colors
It provides all of us with an opportunity to open our hearts and minds to our own potential. It helps us recognize and encourage potential in others. It teaches us to bridge the gaps in communications, leading to respect and compassion for ourselves and others. It opens doors to successful relationships and a climate for effective learning. Review this slide with the audience and allow for questions if necessary.
Instructions As you take this survey, try to picture the way you are deep down inside. Not the way you want to be. Not the way you should be. But the way you are when nobody is around.
Instructions Pretend as if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Instructions Or are standing naked in the shower—stripped of all your responsibilities, roles and expectations.
Instructions Don’t rush too fast, but don’t overanalyze each statement either. It will take about 10 minutes.
GREEN What is your color? ORANGE Blue GOLD
FIRST TIME PRESENTATION OF TC: At this point make sure that everyone has added their scores correctly. Ask folks to identify their primary color and their secondary color. Primary being the one with the highest number and secondary being the one with the next highest number. It is suggested that the group take about a minute break here. At this point in the presentation switch to the transparencies and review each of the colors in more detail. Leave this slide on as you work with the transparencies. Advance to the next slide after a review of each color has been done. When doing a TC follow-up and using these slides as part of the review be sure to go beyond just a review of each of the true colors. BEFORE beginning the review have each of the participants on a piece of paper list some of the attributes of each of the colors. Then go into the review of each color. Have them make additions to their list. The idea is for them to learn and internalize more attributes. (Increase understanding.)
Blue Attributes Motivate Mediators Encourages Others Optimistic
Strong sense of spirituality Sensitive to needs of others Peace, Harmony, Relationships Motivate and Encourage Others Cooperative rather than competitive Mediators Optimistic Caretakers Passionate Peacemakers True Romantics Cause Oriented Need to Feel “Special” Always Has a Kind Word
Famous Blues Blue Occupations
Core Needs and Values of a Blue
GOLD ATTRIBUTES Punctual, Predictable, Precise “Be Prepared
Value Order and Status Quo Duty, Loyalty, Useful, Responsible There is a Right Way to Do Everything Tends to be Left-Brained and Analytical Strong belief in Policies, Procedures, Rules Most comfortable with Formal Environment “Be Prepared Love to Plan Detail Oriented Service Oriented Values Family Traditions Helpful & Trustworthy Conservative & Stable “Should” & “Should Not” Rarely Breaks the Speed Limit Strives for a Sense of Security
Famous Golds Gold Occupations
Core Needs and Values of Gold
Duty and Responsibility
Green Attributes Often not in the mainstream “Should be able to” “Why”
Abstract, Conceptual, Global Need for Independence and Private Time Explores all facets before making decisions Knows how to spell & pronounce “big” words Logical interpersonal relationships Calm, cool, collected “Should be able to” “Why” Intellectual Theoretical Idea People Philosophical Very Complex Perfectionists Standard Setters Visionaries, Futurists Can never know enough Work is play- play is work
Famous Greens Green Occupations
Core Needs and Values of a Green
Information & Knowledge Intellectual Competence
Orange Attributes Playful and Energetic Charming Risk-Taker
“Just Do It” Test Limits Quick Witted Master Negotiator Creative, Inventive “Let’s make a deal” A natural Entertainer High need for mobility Visual and Kinesthetic Natural Non-conformist Thrives on competition Likes tangible rewards Pushes the boundaries Stimulates the economy Impulsive & Spontaneous Appreciates immediate feedback Tends to be left/right brain integrated Most productive in informal environments
Famous Oranges Orange Occupations
Core Needs and Values of Orange
GREEN ORANGE Blue GOLD Are you and extrovert or introvert?
FIRST TIME PRESENTATION OF TC: At this point make sure that everyone has added their scores correctly. Ask folks to identify their primary color and their secondary color. Primary being the one with the highest number and secondary being the one with the next highest number. It is suggested that the group take about a minute break here. At this point in the presentation switch to the transparencies and review each of the colors in more detail. Leave this slide on as you work with the transparencies. Advance to the next slide after a review of each color has been done. When doing a TC follow-up and using these slides as part of the review be sure to go beyond just a review of each of the true colors. BEFORE beginning the review have each of the participants on a piece of paper list some of the attributes of each of the colors. Then go into the review of each color. Have them make additions to their list. The idea is for them to learn and internalize more attributes. (Increase understanding.)
Are you introvert or extrovert?
What is a extrovert? introvert? Which combination of introvert/extrovert creates joy or stress? Refer to the questions on the slide. Have the group elaborate on the questions. How do you know if you are an introvert or an extrovert. What does a blue extrovert look like? What does a blue introvert look like?
Joys and Stressors For this activity have the audience to divide into their color group. You may have to repeat the colors depending on the size of the group. You’ll probably have 2-3 groups of each color. Once they are in their color group have them take a piece of chart tablet paper and brainstrom those things that bring them joy. On another sheet of chart tablet have them put those things that cause them stress. Allow the group to work for about 10 minutes. After they have created their lists give each group a chance to read their list for the rest of the group. (Note: if you have a large group have them separate into not only primary color but also by introvert or extrovert.) You will probably be ready to break for lunch after this activity. Remind your group about on time poker.
Reframing: Don’t get caught getting or sending the wrong message!
Others my perceive blue as:
Re-Framing Blue Others my perceive blue as: Very Emotional Overly Sensitive Mushy Too Tender-Hearted Easily Persuaded Too Nice Too Trusting Smothering, illogical Too Soft, Too Giving, Weak Talking Too Much Blue may perceive self as: Having & Valuing Feelings Compassionate Romantic Idealistic Empathetic Caring Seeing Best in Others Nurturing Liking to Please People Wanting Harmony Great Communicator
Others may perceive Gold as:
Reframing Gold Others may perceive Gold as: Rigid, Inflexible Controlling, Bossy Too Serious Resistant to Change Opinionated System-Bound Lacking Imagination Judgmental Boring Uptight Predictable Autocratic Gold may perceive self as: Consistent Providing Structure Goal-Oriented Firm or Traditional Knowing Right from Wrong Loyal to Organization Realistic Decisive, Seeking Closure Dependable Concerned about Security Following a Routine Having Leadership Ability
Re-Framing Green Arrogant, a Know It All Cold, Hard Insensitive
Others may perceive Green as: Arrogant, a Know It All Cold, Hard Insensitive Head in the Clouds Cool, Aloof, Unfeeling Afraid to Open Up Critical, Fault-Finding Lacking Compassion Unappreciative of Others Intellectually Demanding Argumentative Absent Minded Green may perceive self as: Confident Mentally Tough, Strong Logical, Rational Visionary, Inventive Self-Controlled Enjoying One’s Own Company Good at Analysis Objective Having Ability to Reprimand Having High Expectations Knowledgeable Thinking Deeply
Re-Framing Orange Irresponsible Goofing Off Too Much Manipulative
Others may perceive Orange as: Irresponsible Goofing Off Too Much Manipulative Untrustworthy Unable to Stay on Task Scattered Taking Unnecessary Risks Resisting Closure or Decisions Obnoxious Immature Self-Centered Orange may perceive self as: Flexible, Easy-Going Having a Playful Attitude Exploring New Possibilities Clever, Good Negotiator Open to Change Having Many Interests Able to do Many Things Valuing Freedom Bold, Assertive Fun-Loving, Enjoying Life Independent
How has True Colors helped me today
How has True Colors helped me today? How will I use what I’ve learned in day to day things with students, co-workers, family, etc? What ideas can I share with others? At this point allow the participants to share their personal experiences at their table. Have each table choose one person to share out with the whole group.
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