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Consumer organism that feeds on others: in an ecological community or food chain, an organism that feeds on other organisms, or on material derived from.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer organism that feeds on others: in an ecological community or food chain, an organism that feeds on other organisms, or on material derived from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer organism that feeds on others: in an ecological community or food chain, an organism that feeds on other organisms, or on material derived from them.

2 Decomposer An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients

3 Energy Pyramid - A diagram that shows the transition of energy from one trophic level to another;

4 Food Chain feeding relationships among organisms: a hierarchy of different living things, each of which feeds on the one below

5 Food Web food chains within ecological community: the interlocking food chains within an ecological community

6 Predator carnivorous animal or destructive organism: a carnivorous animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals in order to survive, or any other organism that behaves in a similar manner

7 Primary Consumer plant-eating animal: an animal that eats plants, considered in terms of its position in a food chain

8 Producer The first trophic level in a food chain in which it serves as a food source for consumers or for higher trophic levels.

9 Prey animal hunted by other animals: an animal or animals caught, killed, and eaten by another animal as food

10 Secondary Consumer any carnivore that feeds on primary producers

11 Tertiary Consumer An animal that feeds on secondary consumers in a food chain.

12 Biomass mass of organisms in ecosystem: the mass of living organisms within a particular environment, measured in terms of weight per unit of area

13 Compost decayed plant matter: a mixture of decayed plants and other organic matter used by gardeners for enriching soil

14 Decomposition The act or result of decomposing; disintegration.

15 Decay become rotten: to decompose and become soft, crumbly, or liquefied, or make something do this

16 Adaptation Adaptation : An alteration or adjustment in structure or habits, often hereditary, by which a species or individual improves its condition in relationship to its environment.

17 Xylem type of plant tissue: the woody supportive plant tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots through the stem and leaves

18 Behavioral Adaptation
any structural, physiological, or behavioral characteristics of an organism or group of organisms (such as species) that make it better suited in its environment

19 Migration group moving between places: a group of people, birds, or other animals that are moving together from one region or country to another

20 Hibernation pass winter asleep: to be in a dormant state resembling sleep over the winter while living off reserves of body fat, with a decrease in body temperature and pulse rate and slower metabolism.

21 Variation Genetic diversity, differences within a species;

22 Dichotomus Key a tool that allows the user to determine the identity of items in the natural world, such as trees, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, rocks

23 Biodiversity the degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet.

24 Sustainability is the capacity to endure

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