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S4 Curriculum Evening MCHS.

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1 S4 Curriculum Evening MCHS

2 Plan for Evening National Courses Some study Advice for parents/carers
Course design, assessment, learning Some study Advice for parents/carers Useful websites etc “Education is the kindling of the flame not the filling of the vessel” Socrates

3 No pens required….this presentation will be uploaded onto the school website

4 History lesson… O Grades (until 1990)
Standard Grades (from 1990 – 2006) Credit, General, Foundation National Qualifications (NQ) (2006 – 2014) Access, Int 1, Int 2 Nationals ( ) Nat 3, Nat 4, Nat 5

5 Course design rationale
Best of Standard Grade and Intermediate courses Portfolio work, Practical assignments, Final Exam Reflects Curriculum for Excellence principles Personalisation & choice, active learning, literacy, numeracy, independent learning

6 New National Courses SCQF Level Change from Change to 1 Access 1
2 Access 2 National 2 3 Access 3 / Standard Grade (Foundation) National 3 4 Standard Grade (General) / Intermediate 1 National 4 5 Standard Grade (Credit) / Intermediate 2 National 5 6 Higher Higher (new) 7 Advanced Higher Advanced Higher (new)

7 Course design Most, but not every course has a ‘final exam’
National 3 and 4 ungraded (pass/fail) National 5 and above graded A-D Course Exam National 3 No external exam National 4 (but have Added Value unit) National 5 External exam (except P.E. Studies, Hospitality, Practical Craft Skills)

8 7 Methods of Assessments
Assignment Case Study Practical Activity Performance Portfolio Project Question paper/test

9 Course Assessment Course Assessments form part of National 5 qualifications and assess the application of learning across the course. Many courses have an Assignment and a final exam which are marked by the SQA. For practical reasons, other courses have components which are assessed by external examiners. Importance of full attendance – especially during Jan to March

10 Nat 5 Unit Assessments (UASPs)
Previously these were a feature of National 5 courses Pupils will still sit school based assessments during the session SQA Course work will also be completed in many subjects

11 Assessment (Nat 4) Assess the application of learning across the course Pass or fail Ensure required skills, knowledge and understanding have been achieved Unit Assessments (UASPs) are set by the SQA Added Value Unit Assessments are set by the SQA Carried out by class teacher and internally verified by department/faculty

12 Assessment

13 S3/4 Assessment Calendar School Website

14 Assessment Department Examples

15 Mathematics School Assessment (or ‘evidence of learning’) is gathered through class work and assessments in October and the December Prelim The Course Assessment consists of two Question Papers (final exams in May/June marked by the SQA)

16 Biology School assessments will demonstrate that learners can apply knowledge and understanding and scientific skills to an experiment or practical investigation and report on the investigation. This may be evidenced in a portfolio of work The Course Assessment will be a two-section final exam and an Assignment which will require learners to research a topical issue as well as using data from a practical investigation in one of the topics covered during the course. The Course Assessment and Assignment will be marked by the SQA

17 Art & Design School assessment will show competence in each of the two Units in 2D or 3D and may include sketch books, extended writing, notes, group discussions, reviews, critiques The Course Assessment consists of the Portfolio (showing development and evaluation leading to one final piece of expressive art work and one final design solution) and the final exam. These will be marked by the SQA.

18 Physical Education School assessment could be videos of performance, peer and self-reflection, graphic organisers, cause and effect, Q charts, oral evidence through question/answer sessions, use of ICT The Course Assessment consists of the Performance and the Portfolio which will be marked according to SQA guidance and instructions. No final exam

19 Presentation Level? In 2017 over 90% of our presentations were at N5 and of those presentations 92% were successful However N4 may be a better route for some young people allowing them to have success in S4 and then build on that during the senior phase Presentation Level decisions – mostly after prelims – ambitious but realistic

20 Target Bands on S4 Tracking Reports
Target Bands have been generated for each S4 pupil in each of their National courses based on the pupil’s prior attainment including their performance in the S3 Examination diet. The S4 Tracking Report also features information on Working Bands which is the level at which a pupil is currently working on the course. This information will generate very valuable dialogue between pupils, parents and teachers around how pupils can move their performance from the Working Band towards the Target Band or indeed sustain their current level of performance Target Bands are neither Estimate nor Predicted Grades for pupils. Rather they are Targets based on prior attainment which pupils, with maximum motivation and commitment, can realistically aspire to achieve in their National SQA Examinations.

21 Gradient of Learning Subject Nat 5 Result Higher Result 2017 English A
Fail A1 85% 13% 2% 0.5% A2 44% 35% 17% 3% B3 30% 38% 6% 9% B4 4% 18% 50% 14% 16% C5 7% 19% 25% 22% 27% C6 23% 36%

22 Gradient of learning Subject N5 Result Higher Result 2017 Maths A B C
Fail A1 88% 11% 2% 0% A2 42% 30% 19% 3% 5% B3 17% 27% 29% 14% B4 8% 20% 32% 16% 24% C5 6% 12% 47% C6 7% 21% 57%


24 scholarprogramme @SCHOLARuk SCHOLAR


26 Username: schparents2018 Password: week73city
For Parents Username: schparents2018 Password: week73city


28 Why SCHOLAR? Encourages independent learning Classroom learning
24/7 access Set Homework In service & snow days Part of a large online community What points would you add here?







35 GLOW & MCHS Website More and more, we are putting revision materials, study advice and homework on GLOW and the school website. We will have an updated S3/S4 Assessment calendar on the school website later this week to help support pupils to prepare and organise their time management while also keeping parents informed.

36 Prelims and SQA Exams December Prelims – pupils sit the exams, often in the Games Hall for the ‘exam experience’, and then return to class Study Leave in May 2018 for SQA exams However can be a different experience for pupils with a number of Nat 4 presentations Alternatives such as college activities, work experience will be arranged

37 Key dates for S4 S4 Curriculum Evening 26th Sept 2017
S4 Parents meeting – 3rd Oct 2017 Work Experience Prelims – 6th Dec to 15th Dec 2017 S4 Report – presentation levels – January 2018

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