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Houston Community College Professor: Rolando Reyna

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1 Houston Community College Professor: Rolando Reyna
Arts 1304 Art History II Spring 2017 Second Start Semester Houston Community College Professor: Rolando Reyna

2 What is Art History? The academic study of the history and development of painting, sculpture, and the other visual arts.

3 Principles of Design Balance is the equilibrium of formal elements in a work of art. Broad categories include symmetry, asymmetry, overall balance, and radial balance. Scale is the size of an object in relation to things around it. Proportion is the size relationship of parts belonging to one object or figure. Unity refers to a coherent total effect that creates a sense of harmony in a work of art. Variety refers to diversity or difference which acts as a visual counterpoint to unity. Emphasis is the principle that states that the viewer's attention will be drawn to some parts of the composition more than others. Those points of attention are called focal points. Rhythm is the measured repetition of accented elements that move the eye through a composition.

4 Elements of Art Line is the path of a moving point that provides direction and detail to a work of art. An implied line is a series of points that the eye connects. A shape is a two-dimensional area that stands out from the surrounding space because of an identifiable boundary. The shape itself occupies positive space, while the surrounding area is the negative space. Likewise, a form is a three-dimensional area that stands out from the surrounding space because of an identifiable boundary. The form itself occupies positive space, while the surrounding area is the negative space A mass is usually solid, and a volume is usually hollow. Space is the implied or real sensation of two or three dimensions. Texture is the tactile surface qualities of a work of art that appeal (vicariously) to the sense of touch. These can be actual or visual. Value is the light and dark in a work of art independent of color. Light is the measure of illumination or shadow in a full range of colors. Color is a property of light determined by specific light wavelengths, known as the hues.  A color will have a hue, a value, and a saturation/intensity.



7 Late Medieval Italy Italian art from the late 13th and 14th centuries was once known as primitive because it was seen largely as a transition from Medieval abstraction to the naturalism of the Renaissance (with a dose of Byzantine influence thrown in for good measure).





12 Description: painted for the Church of the Trinity in Florence
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13 Collection: Italian and other European Art (Scala Archives)
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16 Subject: Mural painting--Italy
Source: Data from: University of California, San Diego

17 Collection: Italian and other European Art (Scala Archives)
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18 Source: Catalogued by: Digital Library Federation Academic Image Cooperative

19 Houston Community College Professor: Rolando Reyna Week 2
Arts 1304 Art History II Spring 2017 Second Start Semester Houston Community College Professor: Rolando Reyna Week 2


21 Robert Campin (The Master of Flemalle)
Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Northern Europe Rogier van der Weyden Robert Campin (The Master of Flemalle) Jan van Eyck Hugo Van der Goes













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