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Read the following paragraph:

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1 Read the following paragraph:
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet Place your homework on your desk. Read the following paragraph: He could hear his dad snoring on the living room couch. Tom Brokaw told a story of some distant land on the television. There was no way Billy was going to wake his father up to move the car and he spied the car keys sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. He didn’t give it a second thought. Grabbing the keys, he stuffed them in his pocket and pulled his boots back on. Complete the following: Write two good wondering questions about the excerpt. Write another word for “spied,” from line 4.

2 Agenda Comprehension questions Word Study Rewards Fluency
LAFS.8.RL.1.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. Word Study LAFS.8.RL.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Rewards Fluency On the Record- Summarization Closing

3 He could hear his dad snoring on the living room couch
He could hear his dad snoring on the living room couch. Tom Brokaw told a story of some distant land on the television. There was no way Billy was going to wake his father up to move the car and he spied the car keys sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. He didn’t give it a second thought. Grabbing the keys, he stuffed them in his pocket and pulled his boots back on. What might the following line refer to?: Tom Brokaw told a story of some distant land on the television. What does “it” refer to in the fifth line? How does “Tom Brokaw telling a story in a distant land” relate to Billy?

4 A P P R E H E N S I V E Use the rules for chunking words apart to break this word into its parts.

5 A P P R E H E N S I V E Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word: When he got back outside, he became a little more apprehensive about what he planned to do. His heart pounded in his chest as he unlocked the car door and sat down in the driver’s seat. He’d never driven before, but he’d watched his dad start the car and shift it into gear thousands of times. The car was an automatic, making the task even easier for him, he thought.

6 Apprehensive Definition: Fearful about something
adj.late 14c., "capable of perceiving, fitted for mental impression," from Medieval Latin apprehensivus, from Latin apprehensus, past participle ofapprehendere (see apprehend). Meaning "fearful of what is to come" is recorded from 1718, via notion of "capable of grasping with the mind" (c.1600). Related: Apprehensively; apprehensiveness. Definition: Fearful about something

7 Apprehensive apprehensively, adverb apprehensiveness, noun
nonapprehensive, adjective overapprehensive, adjective overapprehensively, adverb overapprehensiveness, noun pseudoapprehensive, adjective pseudoapprehensively, adverb unapprehensive, adjective unapprehensively, adverb unapprehensiveness, noun

8 Fluency Billy Weadle, Excerpt #5 Date Title WPM Errors Expression
BW Pt 5

9 On the Record Read the assigned chapters.
Pd 2: Finish Chapter 10. Complete Chapter 11. Pd 3: Finish Chapter 10. Complete Chapter 11. Pd 4: Finish Chapter 10. Complete Chapter 11. Pd 5: Finish Chapter 8. Complete Chapter 9. Pd 6: Complete Chapter 10 and 11. Pd 7: Finish Chapter 8 (from page 76). Complete Chapter 9. Write summary statements on the Acrostic Activity sheet.

10 Closing


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