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Need help? Use these prompts

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1 Need help? Use these prompts
By Naomi Hennah Use these slides to support students when they are trying to verbalise their ideas about the electrolysis of copper(II) chloride solution. You could print and laminate these slides as cards. Try providing one card at a time to scaffold talk. When each group has all seven cards, they should be able to describe the electrolysis of copper(II) chloride using the correct terminology (card 7) to describe each image (cards 1 to 6). You can use these cards with both the talking points and bullseye activities or independently for class discussions. Download the talking points or bullseye activities from the Education in Chemistry website.



4 copper(II) chloride solution



7 electrolyte graphite molecule inference wire anode electrode electron gain positive cathode electrolysis aqueous solution loss negative inert atom external circuit move toward blue litmus half equation ion ionic equation attract bleach oxidation reduction observation terminal copper(II) chloride

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