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WMY Financial & Housing Policy Update

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1 WMY Financial & Housing Policy Update
November 2017 (Kyle Williams)

2 Summary Housing Update Budget Update Accomplishments
HUD/ Tax Reform/ and Other Pending Issues Questions

3 Housing Update HMDA Data
African American received only 6% and Latinos only 8.8% of the total loans (purchase and refinance) approved last year Over 70% of the loans African Americans received and over 60% of the loans Latinos received were government backed (FHA & VA) The overwhelming majority of the loans African Americans and Latinos received were for refinances, not purchases African Americans had a nearly 50% declination rate #s increased since last year, based on high refis, which are unlikely to occur with the increase interest rates, even though home prices are increasing

4 Housing Update Current Barriers to Homeownership Stagnant wages
Rising home prices Lack of affordable housing stock/ starter homes Rising interest rates High credit score requirements Down payment requirements DTI requirements Self selection out of the market New regulations Compliance costs The conservatorship agreement

5 Budget Update Trump’s proposed FY 2017 budget FY 2017 enacted budget
Housing Counseling: 10% cut CDBG: $0 HOME: $0 NeighborWorks: $0 FY 2017 enacted budget Housing Counseling: $55 million CDBG: $2.9 billion HOME: $850 million NeighborWorks: $140 million The current 2017 Continuing Resolution expires in December, along with the authorization for the debt ceiling

6 Accomplishments 2 Housing Panels Meetings with:
Fannie Mae’s leadership Freddie Mac’s leadership FHFA Director Mel Watt HUD Secretary Ben Carson House Financial Services Committee Chairman, Jeb Hensarling Senators Warren and Brown Craig Phillips, Counsel for Secretary Mnuchin Federal Reserve Board Governor, Lael Brainard Various stakeholder meetings, briefings and conference calls LEP included in redesigned URLA Affordable Housing Goals comments Duty to Serve comments and remarks to Fannie Section 1071 Comments Pipeline initiatives Slush Fund

7 HUD FHA Section 3 Fair Market Rent
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

8 Tax Reform Cuts taxes for large corporations and the wealthy
Increases taxes on the middle class Increases the debt with the goal to cut social programs Not to mention the $800 billion in cuts included in the FY 2018 Budget Resolution Retains the MID and LIHTC

9 Pending Issues Conservatorship Agreement Housing Finance Reform
Slush Fund Crowdfunding for down payments Payday Rule Arbitration Rule Housing Counseling fee for services

10 Questions What is the number one constraint to homeownership?
What is the most important HUD funding source? What role can the Urban League play as it relates to Section 3? What’s the average timeframe for a successful housing counseling client to purchase a home? Is there still a need for NFMC funding? How do you feel about playing the role as information gatherers for lenders? What’s the appropriate fee for services model?

11 Contact Information Kyle R. Williams, Esq. Director, Financial and Housing Policy National Urban League Washington Bureau (202)

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