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Creating a Transformation Task Force

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1 Creating a Transformation Task Force

2 Purpose – Present Gospel of the Kingdom to Your Area
Every city & county requires unique strategy Transformation will occur differently in each city James 2:18-20 Taking action to do Acts 15:16-17 First two steps to establish the kingdom CONECT leaders around a common purpose Gospel of the kingdom Establish 24/7 PPW …………… remember the signs 2006

3 If you were me, what would you do?
Date Sign Message 2003 Oct Woman healed immediately & waves on beach PW CONECT US - Bahamas 2003 Dec PW - Chuck Pierce & Dutch Sheets CONECT 21+ times 2004 Dec Name: Lott Thunder Operation Rolling Thunder 2005 Mar PW - Tim Taylor - Thunderstorms will be the sign God's stamp on ORT 2005 May, 15 Level 9 solar storm on sun Global Day of Prayer 2005 May 17-20 3 to 5 thunderstorms a day 2006 Jun 3 Circumhorizon Arc Unite & Ignite - end ORT 2006 Oct PW - Chuck Pierce - Flooding God moving where floods 2006 Nov Rainfall record & 12 rivers flood #2 weather event # counties in ORT 24/7 2006 Dec 80+ windstorm - # 1 event- Eagles & Skagit Apostles, prophets, TTF 2007 Jan Eagles gathering in Skagit broke record Eagles type of prophet 2007 Jan 12-13 Thunder snow - rare weather event ORT Kick Off 2007 2007 May 3 Thunder storms across WA state border to border 1st day ORT

4 Transformation Task Force Defined
People united with a duty to transform society. They are responsible to pray for God’s kingdom to come with a mandate to present the gospel of the kingdom to their assigned area. Transformation Change in condition, nature, character, convert Task A definite piece of work assigned to, expected or duty Force Strength, energy, power, power to convince, moral strength, might, ruler, or strength for war The TTF is a force of people who have united with a duty to transform their society. They are responsible to pray that God’s kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven and they have a mandate to present the gospel of the kingdom to their assigned territory whether it be a city, county, state or nation.

5 Drive Responsibility Down
7 Spheres of society Church, business, government, media, education, healthcare and the family Nation, state, county, city, church, family Occupy little by little Deuteronomy 7:22

6 TTF Goals By ORT Gap Analysis
Develop prayer and action strategies to be launched during ORT Gap Analysis Baseline Dream Create

7 Principle of Objective
Id. Objective Establish Gospel of the Kingdom Id. Enemy opposition Id. Allies & resources Empowered by information to develop strategy It is the beginning of your storehouse, armory, treasury

8 Wisdom Information does not equal transformation
Information + understanding + wisdom can lead to strategic action and result in transformation It is not a one time event On going process Why – adversary adapts – fog of war Communication & teamwork is key

9 Kingdom – Systems & Processes
Roles CONECTer – central communication point TTF Chair – Facilitates TTF meetings Council Watchmen – Watch & gather spiritual intelligence Intercessors Tim’s Role Train TTFs, CONECTers & Watchmen in CONECT Oversee Function of Chapters of CONECT – information flow

10 CONECT CONECT – church, city, county Envision – War & role of CENTCOM
Strategic system that supports and connects TTF’s, 24/7 prayer in churches, cities, counties, states The Key is the function of a CONECTer Based on Nehemiah 2-4 & 7 Envision – War & role of CENTCOM

11 Chapter of CONECT Church, City, County, State, Nation
Empowers the formation and networking of kingdom minded networks while maintaining and honoring unique identities and responsibilities. Minimum requirements 2 Leaders of TTF, CONECTer, trained and commit to follow the disciplined communication process

12 Process Empowers Application of Biblical Principles
The solution is not technology. Technology automates a process The Key is following disciplined process WMI is working on building technology to support

13 Overview TTF Tasks TTF Council Meets regularly CONECTer focal point all communication Watchmen help – gather spiritual intelligence 24/7 Prayer covers and directed by TTF CONECTer – manages watch, consolidates reports, puts big picture together Seek God for strategy to be launched during ORT

14 TTF Consists of Based on geographic boundaries 7 Councils formed for:
Church, business, government, media, Education, healthcare, family Reports all go to County CONECTer Based on geographic boundaries Ie. City, county, state, nation, region Measurable results Ie. Business – selected gross revenue Ie. Government – certain candidate elected Ie. Church – salvations, baptisms, etc..

15 Action Items for TTF Id. others like you in your sphere.
Monthly Meetings for County TTF Form Chapter of CONECT Form city and church TTF’s as needed Determine Training/Mentoring schedule - Tim’s Circuit Host Kick Off for County/Region Baseline what exists Determine what transformation looks like Develop prayer & action steps to reach goal Initiate strategy during ORT

16 Recommend Resources & Training
Sign up for e-newsletter Training for TTF Operation Rolling Thunder Kit Biblical Principles & Strategies + CD’s Chapter of CONECT Training for CONECTers All 3 Courses & CD’s Training for Watchmen & Intercessors Watchman & Intercessor Training + CD’s or

17 Major Renovation – Appreciate Prayer
Phase I Overhaul websites (estimate $10,000) Support CONECTers in US & nations Phase II Firm or team formed to build world class scalable comm. System to support CONECT processes in churches, cities, states and nations Pray $50,000 Grow Davidic Company to 300 Overhaul WMI’s Spiritual War College courses Rewrite & publish online training - $15,000 Books – TTF, Courtroom of Heaven, Mount Zion

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