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Background Established in 1994

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1 Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” – European Parliament

2 Background Established in 1994
Named until February 2009: Intergroup on Sustainable Development February 2009: Renamed as the Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” to focus on these two critical issues

3 Mission/Structure Constitutes a cross-party, cross-committee and cross-sectoral platform for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to learn, discuss and create policies geared towards finding solutions to climate and biodiversity Brings together MEPs with key stakeholders, NGOs, renowned scientists, experts as well as representatives of the Commission and the Presidency

4 Approach Find and maintain a balance between environmental, social and economic needs Mainstream climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development across the sectors (agriculture, forestry, fisheries etc)

5 Organisation Forestry Fisheries Members of the Bureau:
Chair of the Intergroup Struan Stevenson (UK) + 8 vice-chairs Composed of 8 subgroups, which have their own agenda and chair. Possible joint meetings. Chair: MEP Gaston Franco (France) Chair: MEP Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos (Portugal) Forestry Agriculture Chair: MEP Pat the Cope Gallagher (Ireland) Chair: MEP Vittorio Prodi (Italy) Energy & Industry Fisheries

6 Cooperation & Development Water & Nature Conservation
Chair: MEP Dieter-Lebrecht Koch (Germany) Chair: MEP Kriton Arsenis (Greece) Mountains, Islands & Sparsely Populated Regions Transport & Tourism Chair: MEP Charles Goerens (Luxembourg) Chair: MEP Cristina Gutierrez-Cortines (Spain) Cooperation & Development Water & Nature Conservation

7 Secretariat Provided by EBCD – European Bureau for Conservation and Development – jointly with IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature Organisation of meetings, logistics, newsletter etc

8 Renewal of the Intergroup
The Intergroup has to be renewed every five years after the EP elections EP Rules in 1999, consolidated in 2004 to avoid a proliferation of Intergroups Support of at least 3 political groups needed

9 Examples of past events
February 2009: The European Union Biodiversity Action Plan December 2008: Common Agriculture Policy & Global Food Security - Is Cap The Cornerstone of EU And Global Food Security Policy Now &  Beyond 2013 October 2008: Maritime Piracy: ¨What Can the EU Do to Protect Seafarers & Trade? September 2008: Working Breakfast: Decline in Bee Diversity - Reasons Why Bees Matter June 2008: Natura 2000 & Fisheries; Nature, Economy and Culture: Conflictive or Compatible

10 Upcoming events Conference on “Climate Change: Towards an ambitious agreement in Copenhagen?” - November 19th – – European Parliament – Brussels Linkages between climate change and biodiversity will be one of the items Meeting on IUU fishing – December 3rd – – European Parliament - Brussels

11 Email:
Contact Information EBCD Mélanie LAMAISON Ph: Fax: Website:

12 Thank you for your attention!

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