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Now we explore businesses and establishments in Baptistown during 1938-1940s.

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4 Now we explore businesses and establishments in Baptistown during 1938-1940s

5 517 S.E. 8 th St. at Canal St. 1933: Conner Chas W jr. restr. 1938: Cecila S Reitz Beauty Shop 1940 & 1942 Harper Paul Radio Repair

6 505 Tenth Street 1934-1939 Owned by Mr. & Mrs. Steckler Building Vacant 1940

7 Owned by Sam Gentry 1940-1944 Fresh Pig Feet 2 for $.05

8 251 Lincoln Ave 1929-1940 Owned by Jason Roberts 1940: Vacant

9 Owned by John D. Weiss 1939-1944 1937: Fishman Dept. Store 1939: Weiss Cash Market 1945:

10 Owned by Louise Arbuckle 1938-1939 1940: Vacant

11 1929-1951 650 S. Governor St. Neighborhood Pool

12 251 Lincoln Ave. 1941 Used Furniture & Clothing 1933-1934 Roberts Furniture Co. 1945 Lindsey Powell Cigars

13 1938-1944 Owned by: Melvin H. Schelensker Buds Lincoln Tap Room, under new management but same hi-class service 1943: Melvin H. Schelensker Liquor 1945: Raymond T. Effinger Liquor

14 1943-1945 323 Lincoln Ave. Owned by: Bill Watkins Next to Lincoln Tap Room 1932: Clara McCormick resident 1939: Jos S Zarzour restr

15 Comstocks was a local grocery and meat store. Located : Governor at Bellemeade Phone number: 3-0962 The store was around from 1938-1940 The prices of what they sold were Springer's lb. $0.18 Hens lb. $.20 Young rooster lb. $0.15 Freash Eggs Dozen $0.29 Butter lb. $.30 Comstocks also provided free delivery

16 Als Liquor was a Liquor Store Located: 417 1/2 Lincoln Ave Phone number : 2-8290 ALs Liquor was owned by Albert Wing Als had all of the popular Liquors that were out at that time. Als slogan was When your party goes dry Located on : 417 Lincoln Ave Owned by: Henry Piland &his son Open 3days a week Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday Prices: Men half shoe & heels $.59 Ladies Half shoe & heel $.49 Spike heel cap $.9 Shoe dying $.29 This company had 30 years of experience

17 Superior Hat Works was a pressing, cleaning, suits and dress cleaning business. It was owned by Robert Aglin Phone number : 3-0941 There prices were : $.50 for Suits and Dressing Cleaning and pressed $.25 pants cleaned & pressed, suits pressed Located at 405 Lincoln Ave.

18 George & Ella was an Old Fashion Bar B-Q restaurant. It also served Soft drinks & fried chicken. George & Ella was owned by George Hubbard Located on : 517 Governor. Coal general Hauling Located: 612-614 E Walnut Street Phone number: 3-2760 When you bought the this company you had to pay cash. In 1940 the name was changed to Walnut Street Furniture CO. Lasted from 1938-1945

19 K.C. Thompson owned the funeral home Located: 517 Lincoln Ave. Phone: 2-9072 K.C. was a women. She was the directress and the embalmer Personal service only a women can render Located: 600-06 Walnut 1930-1945 Owned by: Mary Poole

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