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Four Purposes of the New Curriculum Outdoors

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1 Four Purposes of the New Curriculum Outdoors



4 Definition “ An Outdoor School teaches pupils to become fully engaged with, and confident in their local environment. Through regular visits to their local outdoor areas the children develop a strong sense of wellbeing and enjoy physical activity. They acquire a useful knowledge of ecology and sustainability and develop communication skills by sharing this knowledge with others.”

5 Overcoming Barriers and Managing Risk
Real and perceived barriers to outdoor learning Troubleshooting Approaching risk management.

6 "Challenging play [learning] presents an opportunity for children to begin to cope with and learn from failure, fear or lack of ability. It allows them to feel the satisfaction of trying again and succeeding. The benefits, in terms of honing skills in decision making and teamwork, should not be underestimated. These are essential skills for life in general and more specifically, for preparation for the world of work. …We are not born with common sense. It comes from experiencing the world around us. It is up to us as a society to develop and nurture common sense in our young people. We can start this at an early age by exposing them to a wide range of experiences and allowing them to face challenges so that they can begin to understand the possible outcomes. We probably all remember the most enjoyable times we had as a child, as the ones that gave us a sense of adventure and freedom. We may have sustained the odd scrape but most of us would say it was worth it.” Judith Hackett, Chair of Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Spirit Conference, 2015 (from

7 Analysis of risk-benefit scenarios as the basis for assessment.
The goal of protection from serious harm alongside the goal of providing them with stimulating, adventurous opportunities.

8 Benefits?

9 Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (2015)

10 Developing Opportunities
and Further Resources

11 https://www. facebook. com/MidlandsBBC/videos/10155812009064761/



14 Further Resources



17 Spring Term Opportunities
Additional Learning Needs Outdoors, Portfield Gate Woods (tbc). Year of the Sea (Year 3/4 ), Ocean Lab- Darwin Experience, PCNPA, FACE, Lucy Griffiths (author), Sea Trust, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum. Managing Risk Outdoors- Learning through Landscapes. OPAL Citizen Science for Schools (TBC)- Museum of Wales.


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