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El Modo Subjuntivo.

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1 El Modo Subjuntivo

2 What is the subjunctive?
The subjunctive is a mood that is widely used in Spanish, but is rarely used in English* It is used in conjunction with impersonal expressions and expressions of emotion, opinion, desire or viewpoint It applies to most hypothetical situations, likely or unlikely, desired or not It is also used in phrases expressing the past conditional The negative of the imperative shares the same form with the present subjunctive * The subjunctive is described as a ‘mood’ rather than a tense because it reflects how the reader feels about the action, rather than referring to when the action takes place.

3 Indicative VS Subjunctive
The indicative mood is a more widely used mood, used in sentences where certainty is expressed. For example: He speaks Spanish Habla español The subjunctive mood is used when there is uncertainty expressed in a sentence. For example: It’s possible that he speaks Spanish Es posible que hable español It’s important that he speaks Spanish Es importante que hable español

4 When to use Common introductions to the subjunctive would include the following: que... or de que: “..that.." e.g. It’s important that John goes – es importante que John vaya Si...: "If..." e.g. if you were - si estuvieras Donde: "Where..." e.g. anywhere - donde sea Cuando: "When..." e.g. when I go - cuando vaya Aunque: "Despite/although/even if...” e.g. even if he plays – aunque juege Ojalá... "I hope.../If only..." e.g. I hope it rains - ojalá que llueva

5 Present Subjunctive For most verbs the present subjunctive is found by: Taking the yo form of the present indicative Dropping the –o ending Then adding the correct ending: -ar verbs: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, en -er and –ir verbs: -a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an

6 Present Subjunctive Regular –ar verbs like hablar: hablo – o = habl
habl + e = hable habl + es = hables habl + e = hable habl + emos = hablemos habl + éis = habléis habl + en = hablen Regular –er verbs like comer: como - o = com com + a = coma com + as = comas com + a = coma com + amos = comamos com + áis = comáis com + an = coman Regular –ir verbs like vivir: vivo - o = viv viv + a = viva viv + as = vivas viv + a = viva viv + amos = vivamos viv + áis = viváis viv + an = vivan

7 Present Subjunctive Irregulars:
Dar (to give), estar (to be), haber (to have), ir (to go), saber (to know) and ser (to be) are all irregular in the present subjunctive: Person Dar Estar Haber Ir Saber Ser yo esté haya vaya sepa sea des estés hayas vayas sepas seas él/ella/usted nosotros/-as demos estemos hayamos vayamos sepamos seamos vosotros/-as deis estéis hayáis vayáis sepáis seáis ellos/ellas/ ustedes den estén hayan vayan sepan sean

8 Present Subjunctive Examples: When I go to university
Cuando vaya a la universidad I’m sorry you’re bored Siento que estés aburrido It’s advisable that you wear a coat today Es aconsejable que vistes un abrigo hoy

9 Imperfect Subjunctive
For most verbs the imperfect subjunctive is found by: Taking the ellos/ellas/ustedes form of the preterite indicative Dropping the –ron ending Then adding the correct ending: -ar, -er and -ir verbs: -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -rais, -ran OR -se, -ses, se, semos, seis, sen The first option of endings is used widely in speech in Spain, Latin America, and South America. The second option is used more in written language in Spain.

10 Imperfect Subjunctive
Regular –ar verbs like hablar: hablaron – ron = habla habla + ra = hablara habla + ras = hablaras habla + ra = hablara habla + ramos = hablaramos habla + rais = hablarais habla + ran = hablaran Regular –er verbs like comer: comieron – ron = comie comie + ra = comiera comie + ras = comieras comie + ra = comiera comie + ramos = comieramos comie + rais = comierais comie + ran = comieran Regular –ir verbs like vivir: vivieron – ron = vivie vivie + ra = viviera vivie + ras = vivieras vivie + ra = viviera vivie + ramos = vivieramos vivie + rais = vivierais vivie + ran = vivieran All verbs that are irregular in the 3rd person preterite maintain the same irregularity in the imperfect subjunctive (e.g. tener).

11 Imperfect Subjunctive
Examples: If only the subjunctive mood was simpler Ojalá que el modo subjuntivo fuera más simple If it were possible Si fuera posible I wanted you to come to the party Quise que vinieras a la fiesta

12 Future Subjunctive The future subjunctive is rarely used in Modern Spain so you are unlikely to come across or use it. For most verbs the future subjunctive is found by: Taking the ellos/ellas/ustedes form of the preterite indicative Dropping the –ron ending Then adding the correct ending: -ar, -er and -ir verbs: -re, -res, -re, -remos, -reis, -ren

13 Future Subjunctive Regular –ar verbs like hablar: hablaron – ron = habla habla + re = hablare habla + res = hablares habla + re = hablare habla + remos = hablaremos habla + reis = hablareis habla + ren = hablaren Regular –er verbs like comer: comieron – ron = comie comie + re = comiere comie + res = comieres comie + re = comiere comie + remos = comieremos comie + reis = comiereis comie + ren = comieren Regular –ir verbs like vivir: vivieron - ron = vivie vivie + re = viviere vivie + res = vivieres vivie + re = viviere vivie + remos = vivieremos vivie + reis = viviereis vivie + ren = vivieren All verbs that are irregular in the 3rd person preterite maintain the same irregularity in the future subjunctive (e.g. tener).

14 Snazzy Subjunctive Sayings!
Cuando + Futurity (present subjunctive) When I am X years old Cuando tenga X años When I turn X years old Cuando cumpla X años When I am older Cuando sea mayor If I could... I would, If I were... I would (imperfect subjunctive) If I were rich, I would... Si fuera rico(a), + conditional verb If I were successful, I would... Si tuviera éxito, + conditional verb If I won the lottery, I would... Si ganara la loteria, + conditional verb If I had more time/money, I would... Si tuviera más tiempo/dinero, + conditional verb If I did more work in class, I would... Si hiciera más trabajo en clase, + conditional verb

15 Snazzy Subjunctive Sayings!
Using only the verbs deber, querer, or poder, you can use the imperfect subjunctive to make a very polite suggestion or formal request: I would like two weeks of holiday Quisiera dos semanas de vacación. Could you help us? ¿Pudiera ayudarnos?

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