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A Large Ion Collider Experiment
ALICE A Large Ion Collider Experiment
ALICE An experiment dedicated to the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC… Why nucleus-nucleus collisions? Heat and compress matter... a temperature about 100,000 times the temperature in the centre of the Sun and densities such that all matter contained in the Kheops pyramid would fit in a pinhead Why would you do that? To recreate conditions of density and pressure bringing us back to only a few µs after the Big Bang In a system we can study in the Lab! Age de l’univers 10**17 secondes, duree de l’éclair 10**-6 seconde, duree du QGP 10**-23 seconde = 10 fm/c
Quantum Chromodynamics : the theory of the strong interaction
Quarks carry a charge called color; there are 3 colors R, B, G Quarks interact by exchanging a gluon (mg=0) which also carries a color charge! This interaction is strong at large distance and weak at small distance !
Quarks (valence) are bound inside hadrons (baryons and mesons) so as to form colorless objects
Interactions of valence quarks with the vacuum contribute to the mass of hadrons It is not possible to isolate a color charge q F=kr2 F=kr1 q F=kR2 q F=kR1
Big Bang … Until 10-6 seconds
after the birth of the Universe, matter is colored: quarks and gluons move freely. As soon as the universe has cooled down to about 1012 K, matter becomes “colourless”: quarks and gluons are locked into hadrons
QCD Thermodynamics The Big Bang started here
Pb collisions at LHC will take us there And we will study this trajectory We are here
The mini Big Bang Laboratory t~10-23 s T~1012 K t~10-24 s T~5x1012 K
1. Accelerated ions will collide head on Laboratory 2. The energy of collision is materialized into quarks and gluons 3. Quarks and gluons interact via the strong interaction: matter equilibrates 4. The system expands and cools down t~10-23 s T~1012 K 5. Quarks and gluons condense into hadrons t~10-24 s T~5x1012 K v/c = 0, Lorentz Contraction : 7 fm 0,003 fm
SPS: ”New State of Matter created at CERN” (10 Feb. 2000)
Pb+Pb √sNN = 17.3 GeV NA 49 7 dedicated experiments (NAxx, WAyy) Compelling evidence for the existence of a new state of matter (e [3.2 GeV/fm3]>ec, strangeness enhancement, J/ψ suppression, direct thermal photon radiation,…) Interpretation in terms of QGP formation not unique
RHIC: “The QGP at RHIC” (M. Gyulassy QM 2004)
4 multipurpose experiments (BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR) Empirical lines of evidence: Energy density (5 GeV/fm3) well beyond critical value Large elliptic flow: early collective behavior at partonic level Jet quenching, mono jets: absorption of partons in a color dense opaque medium dA control experiment Interpreted in terms of a strongly coupled QGP and a new QCD state (?) Color Glass Condensate Au+Au √sNN = 200 GeV STAR
LHC: “The closest approximation of the Big Bang”
One heavy ion experiment, ALICE, + CMS & ATLAS; In 04/2007, LHC will deliver first pp at 14 TeV collisions, and soon after PbPb collisions at √sNN= 5.5 TeV. Accelerates 7×1012 eV & 2,76×1012 eV ( % c) ~108 ions cross 108 ions 106 times every second 8,000 collisions every second, out of which 1% produce ”extraordinary” events
ALICE : The answer to the challenge
ALICE: the dedicated HI experiment
Solenoid magnet 0.5 T ALICE: the dedicated HI experiment Specialized detectors: HMPID PHOS Central tracking system: ITS TPC TRD TOF MUON Spectrometer: absorbers tracking stations trigger chambers dipole
Internal tracking (ITS): p, id
TPC ALICE E E E E P b P Drift volume 510 cm Central electrode
GAS VOLUME 88 m3 DRIFT GAS 90% Ne - 10%CO2 E E E E Drift volume 5.6 m 88ms E 400 V / cm 1.6 P b P NE / CO2 88ms 510 cm E Central electrode Readout plane segmentation 18 trapezoidal sectors each covering 20 degrees in azimuth End plate 5 m
What we should be prepared for
60 << 62 One collision : 5.5 TeV dN/dy = 8,000
The to-do programme About 16,000 particles cross the detectors in each collision ; the particle density reaches 90 particles per cm2, near the interaction point ! Measure every particle individually: count them, localise their trajectory, identify their nature, establish their 4-momentum ; Localise the origin within a few mm ; Identify the interesting rare events in less than 100 ms ; Store data 1.2 Gb/s (2 CD/s) et 1 Pb/y (a 4 Km high CD pile) ; Give access to data to 1,000 physicists spread in 80 institutes in 28 countries.
AA Physics Menu at LHC Global properties Event history
Multiplicities, η distributions, zero degree energy Event history Boson interferometry Resonance decays Fluctuations and critical behaviour Event-by-event particle composition and spectroscopy Neutral to charged ratio Degrees of Freedom vs Temperature Hadron ratios and spectra Dilepton continuum Direct photons Collective effects Elliptic flow Deconfinement, chiral simmetry restoration Charmonium, bottonium spectroscopy (Multi-)strange particles Partonic energy loss in QGP Jet quenching, high pT spectra Open charm and beauty W±, Z0, ...
From volts to bytes The signal of each cell (~16 millions) is procesed by highly integrated electronic systems ; The electric signal is digitised to be processed by computers ; The information is transported by optical fibers.
To process the data Distributing ressources : CPU Data storage
Yerevan CERN Saclay Lyon Dubna Capetown, ZA Birmingham Cagliari NIKHEF GSI Catania Bologna Torino Padova IRB Kolkata, India OSU/OSC LBL/NERSC Merida Bari Nantes Distributing ressources : CPU Data storage Are distributed around the world
Time projection chamber (TPC) : p, id
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