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Pupil Premium Conference

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1 Pupil Premium Conference
31 January 2017

2 KS1 – FSM Eligible Gaps – 3yr Trend
KS1 Reading 2014 2015 2016 National 12 10 17 Kent 15 21 North 13.9 12.6 24.9 South 14.5 9.7 19.5 East 15.1 13.2 19.9 West 18.4 14.7 25.2 23/02/2019

3 KS1 – FSM Eligible Gaps – 3yr Trend
KS1 Writing 2014 2015 2016 National 14 13 18 Kent 17 15 23 North 17.7 16.4 24.3 South 18.5 12.7 23.1 East 16.6 14.5 22.1 West 19.6 18.8 26.0 23/02/2019

4 KS1 – FSM Eligible Gaps – 3yr Trend
KS1 Mathematics 2014 2015 2016 National 9 8 17 Kent 10 21 North 11.4 5.7 24.4 South 11.1 7.1 17.8 East 9.8 8.2 18.8 West 12.3 12.0 26.9 23/02/2019

5 KS2 - FSM Eligible Gaps – 3yr Trend
KS2 RWM 2014 2015 2016 National 18 17 21 Kent 25 North 25.0 22.1 25.6 South 18.6 17.6 22.4 East 19.3 20.3 22.8 West 20.9 24.7 31.8 Figures with no decimal places are DfE published. 23/02/2019

6 KS4 - FSM Eligible Gaps – 3yr Trend
A*-C in English and mathematics 2014 2015 2016 National 26.1 27.3 27.8 Kent 33.8 33.7 34.1 North 33.1 31.3 32.4 South 25.7 23.3 29.5 East 30.7 32.9 35.3 West 36.0 36.9 36.7 Note : National and Kent LA figures are DfE Published, all other data is NCER NPD Dataset 23/02/2019

7 KS1 - cohort analysis of pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in Reading, 2016
Not achieving Reading 2016 Number of Pupils SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and are FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN/ BME and FSM Eligible KS1 Eligible Cohort 17,857 2,331 603 420 2,012 333 2,165 72 Total not Achieving Expected Standard 3,929 1,616 458 315 349 140 1,299 64 % of Total Eligible Cohort 22 69.3 75.9 75.0 17.3 42.0 40 88.8 % Nationally not Achieving Expected Standard 26 70.4 23.9 *Data for BME Pupils represents only those who are identified as non-white British in the DfE SFR 23/02/2019

8 KS1 - cohort analysis of pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in Writing, 2016
Not achieving Writing 2016 Number of Pupils SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and are FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN/ BME and FSM Eligible KS1 Eligible Cohort 17,857 2,331 603 420 2,012 333 2,165 72 Total not Achieving Expected Standard 5,179 1,830 498 341 1,582 151 1,104 65 % of Total Eligible Cohort 29 78.5 82.5 81.1 21.4 45.3 49 90.2 % Nationally not Achieving Expected Standard 34 79.8 31.1 50 *Data for BME Pupils represents only those who are identified as non-white British in the DfE SFR 23/02/2019

9 KS1 - cohort analysis of pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in mathematics, 2016
Not achieving Mathematics 2016 Number of Pupils SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and are FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN/ BME and FSM Eligible KS1 Eligible Cohort 17,857 2,331 603 420 2,012 333 2,165 72 Total not Achieving Expected Standard 3,929 1,579 442 303 1,656 131 1,277 62 % of Total Eligible Cohort 22 67.6 73.3 72.1 17.7 39.3 41 86.1 % Nationally not Achieving Expected Standard 27 69.6 26 42 *Data for BME Pupils represents only those who are identified as non-white British in the DfE SFR 23/02/2019

10 KS2 - cohort analysis of pupils who failed to achieve the expected standard in RWM, 2016
Not achieving RWM 2016 Number of Pupils SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and are FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN/ BME and FSM Eligible KS2 Eligible Cohort 16113 2476 676 341 2791 278 2051 79 Total Not Achieving Expected Standard 6758 2097 589 301 1122 158 1306 75 % of Total Eligible Cohort 84.7 87.1 88.3 40.2 56.8 63 94.9 % Nationally Not Achieving Expected Standard 86.2 89.9 86.7 47.6 60.4 64 88.4 23/02/2019

11 A*-C in English and mathematics
KS4 - cohort analysis of pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in 2016 A*-C in English and mathematics Not Achieving A*-C in English and mathematics 2016 Number SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN, BME and FSM Eligible KS4 Eligible Cohort 15,704 1,944 427 130 1,704 133 1,622 23 Total not Achieving A*-C in English and mathematics 5,726 1,426 381 82 402 67 1,085 19 % of Total Eligible Cohort 36.5 73.4 89.2 63.1 23.6 50.4 66.9 82.6 % Nationally not Achieving A*-C in English and mathematics 76.1 87.1 75.6 36.4 61.2 81.7 23/02/2019

12 5+ A*-C inc English & mathematics
KS4 - cohort analysis of pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in 2016 5+ A*-C inc English & mathematics Not Achieving 5+ A*-C EM 2016 Number SEN SEN and FSM Eligible SEN and BME BME BME and FSM Eligible FSM Eligible SEN, BME and FSM Eligible Total KS4 Eligible Cohort 15,704 1,944 427 130 1,704 133 1,622 23 Total not Achieving 6,496 1,506 391 88 495 72 1,150 20 % of Total Eligible Cohort 41.4 77.5 91.6 67.7 29.0 54.1 70.9 87.0 % Nationally not Achieving 80.7 90.4 42.6 56.7 67.0 85.6 23/02/2019

13 Progress of pupils eligible for FSM from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2
Number of pupils achieving Level 2+ RWM, the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 1 in 2012 1550 Number of pupils from this cohort not going on to achieving the expected standard at the of Key Stage 2 in 2016 720 46.5% 23/02/2019

14 Progress of pupils eligible for FSM from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4
Number of pupils achieving Level 4+ RWM, the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 in 2011 1062 Number of pupils from this cohort not going on to achieving the expected standard at the of Key Stage 4 in 2016 446 42.0% 23/02/2019

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