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The February Revolution

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1 The February Revolution
What do you see? What is happening here?

2 Discontent among Russians erupted into revolt in 1917
Thursday, February 23 women took to the streets of Petrograd to demand bread and peace This march quickly became a revolt By Sunday, soldiers, sailors and factory workers took to the streets—even the tsar’s guards joined in On Monday (Feb 27) troops (male and female) and workers marched on Tauride Palace, home of the Duma Members of the Duma feared the mob, but the mob came to them for leadership Liberals and radicals in the Duma rushed to join the mob and chanted “Peace now, bread for all, down with the tsar!”

3 The Petrograd soviet met and became the center of authority in revolutionary Russia
Soon, soviets across Russia were electing reps to go to Petrograd On Monday, 2/27, liberal members of the Duma formed a Provisional Committee to address the crumbling tsar’s gov’t They soon became the Provisional Gov’t whose job was to see Russia through the war While the revolution spread across Russia, the Tsar remained at the front On 2/28/1917, the tsar left the war for Petrograd, he realized the extent of the revolt—his train was stopped because workers had seized control of the RR—he agreed to a constitutional monarchy but it was too late. On March 2, he resigned

4 Assignment What situation in the French Revolution parallels the women’s march? Were the outcomes similar? Explain

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