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Analysis of <pT>-Nch Correlations in pp and pp Collisions

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1 Analysis of <pT>-Nch Correlations in pp and pp Collisions
Denis Derkach Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia Erice, Italy, International Subnuclear Physics School

2 Outline motivation; effective pomeron exchange model;
<pt>-Nch correlation description; experimental data description; prospects for ALICE/CERN. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

3 pp Collisions 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

4 Experimentally Observed pt-Nch Correlations
05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

5 Experimentally Observed pt-Nch Correlations. Features
<pt>Nch does not grow with energy at low Nch. <pt>Nch flattens at high Nch. Experiments can be divided into two groups depending on the value of <pt> at Nch close to 0. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

6 Experimentally Observed pt-Nch Correlations. Literature
NA49 collab. arXiv:hep-ex/ A. Breakstone et al. (ABCDHW Collaboration), Phys. Lett. 132B (1983) 463. UA1 collab., Nucl Phys 335B (1990) 261. F.Abe, Phys.Rev.Lett. 61 (1988) 1819. C.De Marzo et al. Phys. Rev. 29D (1984) 363. V.V. Aivazyan et al., Phys.Lett. 209B (1988) 103. T. Alexopoulos et al., Phys. Lett. 336B (1994) 599. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

7 Classical Multi-Pomeron Exchange Model
Pomeron is a virtual particle that is exchanged during the inelastic scatering process with vacuum quantum numbers flow. It can be considered as a pair of strings. The number of pomerons exchanged rises with energy. Collective effects are not included in the model. A. B. Kaidalov and K. A. Ter-Martirosyan, Phys. Lett. B 117 (1982) 247 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

8 String Formation A.Capella, U.P.Sukhatme, C.-I.Tan and J.Tran Thanh Van, Phys. Rep.236(1994)225 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

9 Dual Parton Model calculations
In this model an additional assumption was made: a transverse momentum of sea quarks was introduced as a parameter. This parameter was fitted to be 1.1 GeV. P. Aurenche, F. W. Bopp and J. Ranft, Phys. Lett. 147B, (1984) 212 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

10 String Formation Collective effects are observed.
Possible solution – string interactions. M. A. Braun and C. Pajares, Phys. Lett. B 287 (1992) 154; Nucl. Phys. B 390 (1993) 542, 549 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

11 Classical Multi-Pomeron Exchange Model
normalized cross section of simultaneous production of n-pomeron showers probability for strings to give particles after hadronization transverse momentum distribution for particles coming from a single string B. Kaidalov, K. A. Ter-Martirosyan Phys. Lett. 11B (1982) 247 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

12 Classical Multi-Pomeron Exchange Model
No correlations can be obtained from this distribution! 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

13 Modifications. Basic formula
= = - parameter that accounts effectively collectivity 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

14 Parameters Classical model parameters: t – average string tension
k – mean number of particles produced per unit rapidity by one string Modificated model parameter: - efficient string collective coefficient 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

15 Fitting Fitting was done for 11 different datasets.
Energy range covered is GeV. The parameter values were extracted. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

16 Fitting Fitting was done for 11 different datasets.
Energy range covered is GeV. The parameter values were extracted. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

17 Fit results 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

18 Fit results 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

19 <pt> vs. CM Energy
05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

20 Mean number of pomerons
05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

21 Dispersion in number of pomerons
05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

22 LHC predictions from EPEM
The predictions are made for both parameter t values. The plot should be chosen after specification of experimental data. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

23 Conclusions Experirmental results on mean pt and on pt-n correlation are summarized in a wide energy range. Negative and positive correlations are reproduced in one approach of modified multi-Pomeron exchange model. Smooth behavior of parameter “ ” with energy is observed. Logarithmic growth of number of Pomerons and their dispersions with energy in the region 17 GeV – 1.8 TeV are related to observed experimental correlations. First results on pp collisions in ALICE at the LHC at 5.5 TeV on the pt-Nch corelation at midrapidity should clarify the functional dependence of “ ”. 05 Sep 2006 D. Derkach, ISSP'06, Erice

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