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Reforming liturgy Paradigm shift in liturgical theology and practice of Russian Evangelical Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforming liturgy Paradigm shift in liturgical theology and practice of Russian Evangelical Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforming liturgy Paradigm shift in liturgical theology and practice of Russian Evangelical Movement

2 Problem. - Do Evangelicals have liturgy?
- Why do you have this type of liturgy? - Why and how liturgy is been changed. - What are key elements of worship service? - What are the dangers of experiments?

3 Methodology. - Kung`s paradigm shift approach to define main liturgical paradigms. - McIntyre aproach to explain overcoming liturgical crisis. - Define main historical solutions. - Define key principles for meaningful liturgy reforms.

4 Hypothesis. Key elements of liturgy are present in each paradigm. Depending on historical context one element becomes central. The remaining elements are aligned around the axial.

5 Limits of research. - Sunday worship service.
- Macro-paradigrm evaluation. - Application to Russian Evangelical Movement.

6 Structure. Introduction. 1. Meaningful protestant liturgy.
2. Analysis of epistemological approaches for the study.

7 Part I. Historical liturgical paradigms.
3. Liturgy of koinonia. Early Christian church paradigm. 4. Liturgy of prayer. Paradigm of persecuted church. 5. Liturgy of the Sacraments. Paradigm of the dominant Church. 6. Liturgy of the Word. Paradigm of Reformation. 7. Liturgy of worship. Paradigm of modern church.

8 Part II. Russian Evangelical liturgical development.
9. Practice of overcoming liturgical crisis of Russian Evangelical Movement. 10. Reforming liturgy - Principles for meaningful liturgy reforms.

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