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Leading Regional Collaboration to Increase Postsecondary Attainment

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2 Leading Regional Collaboration to Increase Postsecondary Attainment
Ann Womer Benjamin Shawn M. Brown

3 Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend

4 Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend
Began in 2009 The objective is to increase the number of college degree holders in Northeast Ohio Based upon CEOs for Cities’ work correlating educational attainment and per capita income In 2010, NOCHE and its regional Steering Committee announced an Action Plan for increasing college completion rates

5 Steering Committee NOCHE is a 60-year-old alliance of higher education and business with a footprint that encompasses 16 counties in Northeast Ohio NOCHE’s signature programs focus on talent development Talent Dividend Steering Committee Reflects the entire region Reflects existing program partners Identifies others we encourage to participate

6 Collective Impact John Kania and Mark Kramer, Stanford Innovation Review (Winter 2011) Five elements of successful large-scale social change Common Agenda Shared Measurement System Mutually Reinforcing Activities Continuous Communication Backbone Support Organizations

7 Targeted and Focused Effort
Population divided into and 25+ age groups Arrived at a consensus on a common agenda Improving college readiness Increasing retention to degree completion Increasing degree completion among adults with some college and no degree Developed six strategies we could implement through mutually reinforcing activities

8 The Importance of Collaboration
Balance collective impact and practicality We are cultivating a shared vision of college completion on the top of the regional agenda We are not standing in the way of local organizations that implement college attainment initiatives of their own Continuous communication of strategies, activities, and common metrics Share best practices and replicate what works

9 Challenges Remaining at the top of the regional agenda
Recognizing demands and pressures that may conflict with some Talent Dividend strategies Engaging the right leaders and stakeholders Sending constant and effective communications Identifying new funding opportunities Keeping up with evolving strategies and best practices

10 NOCHE Contacts Ann Womer Benjamin Executive Director
Shawn M. Brown Associate Director

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