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The Greeks It’s all Greek to me ….

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1 The Greeks It’s all Greek to me …

2 Greeks and mythology Like most people, the Greeks used mythology to explain what they did not understand. For example, some myths explained why animals behaved in certain ways, while others told why natural events occurred, like the change of the seasons

3 Greeks and mythology, part 2
In some myths, the gods play tricks on mortals to teach them lessons, usually about morals that were valuable to the culture. Therefore, myths not only explain, they teach as well

4 Greek culture The Greeks loved life.
They believed in living life to the fullest, because death was going to happen whether you wanted it to or not. The only response to death was to make a mark on the world. Be a legend…be grandiose.

5 Greek gods The Greeks had many gods – to believe in many gods is to be polytheistic The Olympian gods resembled the Greek need to be grandiose Because the Olympian gods mirrored the Greeks, they were heavily flawed They were quarrelsome, unforgiving, jealous, vengeful, spiteful, sinful deities

6 Bold is beautiful Because the Greeks focused on being grandiose, the Olympian gods were mostly portrayed as physically strong, beautiful and intelligent The same applies to the heroes in their legends and myths

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