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The Holocaust.

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1 The Holocaust

2 What was the Holocaust? The Nazi slaughter of 6 million Jews
Nazis killed another 5 million which included homosexuals, disabled, Soviet POW’s, Polish civilians, Communists and political prisoners Took place all over Europe Final Solution (1942 Wannsee Conference)

3 Differentiating prisoners


5 Experiments Hypothermia-inmates were placed in freezing water or in brutal cold for hours Made inmates sterile by exposing them to radiation Some were injected with malaria

6 This women was deliberately cut on her leg and the wound was infected with bacteria, dirt and glass (simulates war injury) Sulfonamide

7 Placed in a low pressure chamber to simulate 68,000 feet in Altitude As pressure gets lower, oxygen gets thinner



10 Concentration Camp vs Death Camp
Concentration camp is where anyone is detained under harsh conditions Death camp is where people will be killed or will die Those sent directly to death camps were the elderly and very young (why?)

11 Selection; to the right went workers
To the left and you went to the gas chambers Selection Scene

12 Auschwitz By far the largest death camp In Poland (3 camps)
Believed that 1.6 million Jews murdered here Most were killed with a gas called Zyklon-B 20,000 bodies could be gassed and cremated a day

13 Empty gas cannisters of







20 Did the Jews Fight Back? Yes, there were some resistance movements
The biggest being in the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943 About 750 Jews rebelled for a month Almost all of those that took part were capture/killed


22 Results Holocaust ends as camps are liberated by Allies
Half of Europe’s Jewish population is killed Israel, a homeland for many Jews, will be created 1948 Some Nazi doctors are put on trial

23 761st Tank Battalion African-American unit that liberated a sub-camp of Mauthausen

Goeth Kills 25 Who Stole The Chicken? Shower Scene Balcony Shooting Scene Make Me A Hinge

25 Will I Survive WW II/Holocaust?
You will all receive an ID badge Do not peak and do not tell others what theirs says Your job is two part: 1. Try to figure out who you are and 2. What are your chances of surviving the Holocaust/ WW II?

26 Questions You Can Ask Am I a native of Germany?
Am I an individual or a member of a group? Am I persecuted by the Nazis? Am I a civilian (non-military)? Do you think I have a good shot at surviving the Holocaust/WW II?

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