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Deadline: Friday 10th 12 noon – Submit via

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Presentation on theme: "Deadline: Friday 10th 12 noon – Submit via"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deadline: Friday 10th November @ 12 noon – Submit via e-mail
Requirement for Week 5: Deadline: Friday 10th 12 noon – Submit via [File Size Limit – 5mb] Choose one approach A or B Each design driver / thematic should be represented by a single evocative image that should provoke thought, comment or action. State the design driver and image source on the next slide, under your name and chosen approach. ONE design driver image must be produced by yourself. A - 3 or 5 specific design drivers / thematics Or B - 1 generic design driver / theme and 3 sub-drivers which are more specific and stem / relate to the main design driver. Note: A coherent collection of images which can be visually read as one will be accepted, such as the image used in the example for 01a – Chance Encounters.

2 Paul Milner Approach Chosen: B
01 – Connectivity The quality or condition of being connected or connective. (Image Source: ‘Tube Map,’ David Shrigley - Artist, 1995) 01a - Chance Encounters How creative installations to the banal can increase chance encounters and thus activity on the street. (Image Source: Compiled by Author > Paul Milner) 01b - Daily Rhythms Concept of Space Syntax and the layering of pedestrian traces. (Image Source: ‘Crowd Alive,’ Miguel Pereira - Photographer) 01c - Thresholds / Vistas How urban form and arrangement can influence movement and connectivity at both a macro and micro scale.






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