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Grant Everitt Evaluation and Learning Lead

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1 Grant Everitt Evaluation and Learning Lead

2 Project update…

3 What are multiple needs?
Mental health Substance misuse Homelessness Offending

4 And so what happens… People experiencing multiple needs often have ineffective contact with services, as in most cases they are designed to deal with one problem at a time and to support people with single, severe conditions. This can mean that people experiencing multiple needs are more likely to access emergency, rather than planned services, such as going to A&E rather than the local GP. They also have a lot of contact with Criminal Justice Agencies.

5 Nottingham has the eighth highest incidence of people with multiple needs in England (Hard Edges – Lankelly Chase -2015)

6 It’s about people…not just a set of needs…
As children, many experienced trauma and neglect, poverty, family breakdown and disrupted education. As adults, many suffer alarming levels of loneliness, isolation, boredom unemployment, poverty and mental ill-health. (Hard Edges – Lankelly Chase 2015)

7 322 Beneficiaries have joined the programme since July 2014

8 Opportunity Nottingham
England Men 73% 80% Women 27% 20% White British BAME 6% 25% 28% 36% 39% 23% 14% National Data from Hard Edges (Lankelly Chase 2015) Opportunity Nottingham Data to end Q2 17

9 And of the 322 who have engaged so far…
163 are current Beneficiaries 31 moved to other areas before completion of programme 66 disengaged from the programme 22 have died 8 moved to other support not funded through the project 25 successfully completed the programme 7 other (hospital, prison, unknown)

10 What does a positive outcome look like?
The Beneficiary considers they are leading a fulfilled life in the community, so that they can see a future which includes their positive goals - and have the motivation to seek to achieve these goals.

11 We’re setting the bar quite high…
Is living in stable housing and a plan is in place to enable this to continue Is not offending and is unlikely to return to offending Has addressed or is managing mental and physical health issues and consider this can be sustained without the need to return to Opportunity Nottingham Is abstinent or positively controlling substance misuse and is unlikely to relapse, or - if relapse occurs, will be able to obtain the necessary support themselves without further need for support from Opportunity Nottingham

12 And what about the people who didn’t complete the programme?


14 Karan

15 What works in the way PDCs operate?
Being available at critical moments in the lives of Beneficiaries Reaching out to the persistently elusive Giving time and space to listen to Beneficiaries’ stories Being prepared to do what is needed in the interests of recovery Standing alongside Beneficiaries as they confront the world of welfare bureaucracy Showing that they care in meaningful ways Being trustworthy Letting Beneficiaries shape their own priorities Not giving up on anyone


17 Multiple Needs Tenancy Support (MNTS)
Total Interventions in Qtr Budgeting skills 16 22 35 31 Housing related debt 9 21 33 15 Other debt 18 20 Housing benefit 10 24 Council tax 32 27 Other utilities 30 Non-financial tenancy related issues e.g. repairs 23 Negotiation with landlord or letting agent 25 19 Support with tenants’ rights and responsibilities 14 Day to day living skills e.g. cooking and cleaning Dealing with formal communications e.g. letters from landlord, local authority or utilities provider 12 26 Participation in local community or engagement in meaningful occupation Access to a specialist agency 13 29 37 Key Service Outcome: Maintaining own tenancy at end of Qtr 43

18 How does MNTS work Long-term offers of support which do not have a fixed end date Recovery takes time and varies by individual needs, characteristics and experiences Eligibility is not contingent on any conditions other than willingness to maintain a tenancy Supported through person-centred planning. Goals are not set by the service provider. The service is based on people’s strengths, goals and aspirations


20 System Change Priorities
• Access to services & accessible information Unified Single Assessment and Data Sharing Beneficiary-led person-centred Services and Support – including Treatment A Joined-up & simplified Pathway – starting with prevention and early intervention Recovery Sustaining Change – commissioning, funding and policy Ensure change at local level - influence change at national level


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