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BPA Chapter Officer’s Best Practices

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Presentation on theme: "BPA Chapter Officer’s Best Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 BPA Chapter Officer’s Best Practices
State Officers

2 Sample Chapter Officers and Role
The Role of Communication Interactions with the State Association Resources for Chapter Officers

3 Sample Chapter Offices & Roles

4 President Calls meetings to order and keeps meetings on track
Helps welcome new members and answer questions about the organization President Helps develop meeting agendas Works with advisor and other chapter officers to develop goals for the year

5 Takes over any of the President’s responsibilities when needed
Vice-President Chair or Co-Chair a committee (Example: Membership, Torch Points, etc.) Helps organize committees Works with advisor, chapter president, and other chapter officers to develop goals for the year

6 Secretary Takes minutes and notes during meetings
Makes sure that important information is distributed to all members Secretary Provides the President and chapter officers with meeting minutes Keeps track of progress for the goals of the year

7 Treasurer Keeps track of funds throughout the year
Keeps good connections with businesses and partnerships Treasurer Helps organize fundraising activities Provides the President and chapter officers financial reports when needed

8 Historian In charge of press releases of local chapter activities
May be in charge of a membership committee Keeps information of chapter activities completed Historian Updates the chapter’s social media pages

9 Assures that local chapter meetings are done professionally
Advises on any issue of parliamentary procedure Helps prepare an agenda for a chapter meeting Parliamentarian Assure that minutes are taken correctly

10 The Role Of Communication

11 Types Of Communication
Social Media Instant Messaging Meetings

12 Communication Tips Outside the Officer Team Within the Officer Team
Have a primary way to communicate Always include all officers and advisors on any communication Be polite and mindful of other people’s time- don’t spam inboxes full of mindless chatter! Ensure a uniform message by having all officers aware of any message Have set ‘talking points’ about sensitive topics and do not sway from them Take feedback from other chapter members Don’t be too quick on throwing away an idea based on negative feedback

13 Interactions with the State Association

14 BPA Cares Program Service Learning Awards Special Recognition Awards
Community Relief Community Action Special Olympics Environmental Action/Awareness Safety Awareness Service Learning In. Special Recognition Awards BPA Marketing and PR BPA Merit Scholar Chapter Activities Awards of Excellence Entrepreneurship Exploration Member Recruiter The BPA Cares program is a program set by the national association and has many ways for chapters to be involved.

15 You can find more information about these awards on the Minnesota website.

16 Chapter Of The Year Member Of The Month Merit Scholar
The state association also recognizes chapters with the Chapter of the Year award and individuals with the Member of the Month and Merit Scholar awards. Applications can also be found on the website.

17 Resources

Latest news from Minnesota BPA Latest news from National BPA

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