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Weather Reporter Project

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1 Weather Reporter Project

2 Ein Wetterbericht Now is your chance to be the weather reporter! Select three days of weather from your German city to report to the class. Design a presentation with only pictures of the weather, the temperature and the day of the week. Write your script. How will you report this to the class. Or, you may draw a cartoon or use Storyboard to create a cartoon of a weather reporter. The cartoon must contain a weather reporter, three days of weather, the written dialogue of the weather reporter saying the weather and the day of the week and temperature for each day.

3 Das Wetter in Schwäbisch Hall
Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Temperatur: 18 Grad Temperatur: 16 Grad Temperatur: 12 Grad

4 Ein Wetterbericht Rubric:
Aussprache: Your presentation was completely in German and you pronounced the words correctly points Präsentation: You behaved like a weather reporter. You were professional, you showed your audience the weather instead of simply reading the weather from a script. (If you choose the Storyboard option-your weather report needs to read like a cartoon of a weather report. It needs to make sense and include maps and weather symbols as well as dialogue.) points Grammatik: Your German was grammatically correct points Total: 60 points

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