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Dementia Vs. Alzheimer’s Disease

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1 Dementia Vs. Alzheimer’s Disease
By Jocelyn Harris Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that cause memory loss, behavior and personality changes along with changes to be able to think clearly. These behaviors & personality changes turn into dementia.

2 Meet my mom Zoetta Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Disease
These days my mom is my little girl in an elderly body and mind set. She is totally dependent on me and my husband for everything.

3 Telling The Difference
Dementia is the medical term used to describe the gradual loss of the intellectual functions once learned as a child, growing to become an adult Alzheimer’s is defined as the gradual loss of several important mental functions Telling The Difference Alzheimer’s Dementia

4 Dementia Care Often neglects the person
Treat the person with dementia as a person first, and their diagnosis second Dementia is an intellectual disability, the person is still there and they have a right to survive just as we do with dignity and respect. In a nursing facility the personal are not always allowed the time to do the necessary thing we take for granted that we do for ourselves like cleaning our ears, cleaning and cutting our nails or simply brushing our teeth.

5 Alzheimer’s And Who It can affect
Usually this disease start around age 65 It is still widely misunderstood Diet in saturated fats, and over exposure to aluminum In general what we have learned over time which enables us to have a good and long life, is to stay healthy, get plenty of exercise, don’t’ eat a lot of processed and fast foods. And a most for me, a close relationship with GOD! Genetics do play a role

6 Stages of Alzheimer’s Stage One It’s impossible to tell anything is wrong because nothing is visible Stage Two Short memory lapses, misplacement of keys Stage Three Difficulty with language, not able to plan or organize stage four Anxiety in social situations, unable to manage business matters and finances. Stage Five Confusion about their surroundings, can’t remember day, date, week or month. Stage six Wandering, hostility, urinary and fecal incontinence Stage seven Catatonic state, lose ability to speak and respond to others. can’t sit, stand, smile, or forget to swallow. this stage leads to death somewhere around eight years. This disease leads to death because the neurological functions completely shut down. And because everyone is different, people catch Alzheimer's disease at various stages, which makes it difficult to determine Alzheimer's disease and it progression.

7 Conclusion I want to be able to work in the health services field to care for individuals like my mom. By completing my bachelors degree I hope to be employed in this field and make a difference for someone’s family member and love one.

8 the end By Jocelyn Harris

9 References Comas- Herrera, A., Northey, S. , Wittenberg, R., Knapp, M., Bhattacharyya, S., & Burns, A.,(2011). Future costs of dementia-related long-term care: exploring future scenarios. Retrieved from International Psychogeriatrics, 23, pp 20-30 Period Alzheimer’s Treatment (2011, February 8). Retrieved from Alzheimer’s Dementia: A Hard Fact to Face Retrieved July 8, 2000 from Website: Fleming, R., & Purandare, N. (2010). Long-term care for people with dementia: environmental design guidelines. Retrieved from International Psychogeriatrics, 22, pp See above Wagner, C. E. (1988). Music therapy with senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Ann Arbor, Mi: University Microfilms International. Dementia care all too often neglects 'the person' The Free Library.(2010). Retrieved February 28, 2011 from care all too often neglects 'the person'.- a < neglects%20the%person’.-a > 500 Health. (February 28, 2011). Alzheimer’s and who it can affect. Retrieved from February 28,

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