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Topic #9 Coming of the Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic #9 Coming of the Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic #9 Coming of the Civil War

2 What was abolitionism and who were the leading abolitionists during the antebellum era?

3 Abolitionism

4 John Russwurm (left) and Samuel Cornish (right)

5 Freedom’s Journal

6 David Walker

7 An Appeal to the Colored Citizens


9 William Lloyd Garrison

10 The Liberator

11 Theodore Dwight Weld

12 American Antislavery Society

13 Frederick Douglass


15 Believing that abolitionists were radicals that could lead to a war, what did more moderate northerners in the antebellum age advocate as a solution to the problem of slavery?

16 The American Colonization Society hoped to resettle blacks back to Africa

17 Liberia

18 Other than advocating for an end to slavery, how did antebellum abolitionists more actively try to help the slaves?

19 Underground Railroad

20 Harriet Tubman

21 How did southerners react or reply to the abolitionists in the antebellum era?

22 Slavery in Bible

23 Other Southern Arguments in defense of slavery:
Slaves weren’t ready for independence. They would be uncontrollable and hurt each other Slaves were better off than northern free white laborers Slaves supported Southern society, which was more refined and better (think chivalry) than cheap, dirty, anything-goes Northern society

24 In the earlier years of the antebellum age, how and why did the western territories play an important role in the issue of slavery. From 1820 to 1850, what attempts were made to deal with the divisive issue of slavery?

25 Missouri Compromise of 1820

26 The Missouri Compromise kept the issue at of slavery at bay until the US won from Mexico additional territory in the southwest in mid-to-late 1840s

27 David Wilmot proposed the Wilmot Proviso

28 Popular Sovereignty = letting the people in the territory themselves decide whether to have slavery or not

29 Free-Soil Party



32 How and why did the American political system from 1852 through the election of Abraham Lincoln fail to prevent the Civil War?

33 Winfield Scott

34 Franklin Pierce

35 1852 Election

36 Stephen Douglas

37 Kansas-Nebraska Act


39 Pottawatomie Massacre

40 John Brown

41 “Bleeding Kansas”

42 Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner

43 James Buchanan

44 John C. Fremont

45 Know-Nothing Party


47 Dred Scott

48 Roger Taney

49 Dred Scott Case

50 Abraham Lincoln

51 Lincoln-Douglas Debates

52 Harriet Beecher Stowe


54 Harper’s Ferry Virginia

55 John Brown

56 Firehouse where Brown was captured

57 John Brown’s hanging

58 Robert E. Lee

59 Stephen Douglas

60 J. C. Breckinridge


62 Constitutional Union Party


64 South Carolina’s secession convention

65 Fort Sumter

66 Fort Sumter after shelling

67 Fort Sumter today

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