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Sertoma Communications, Election and More!

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1 Sertoma Communications, Election and More!
CAROL Welcome to our Sertoma Communications, Election and More Club Liaison Program.

2 Communications CAROL Communications! When you hear this word what do you think about – I know the first thing that comes to my mind is a two way street. Without a dialogue between two parties – then nothing gets accomplished – information is often misunderstood – and in the case of Sertoma your board and staff do not know what the members and clubs need. Communications is the main part of the position of a Club Liaison. Club Liaisons communicating with members and then relaying that communication to your board or staff is vital to understand what is needed for everyone to be successful. Each of you received a document earlier that contained questions that were asked by our members at the regional conventions this past fall along with the answers. We asked you to share the questions with members and send us any additional questions that were asked or be prepared to ask questions this evening. First we want to share the questions and answers that were sent to us. These questions will be answered by board members David Johnson, President, Debby Larsen our President Elect, or Steve Murphy our Executive Director.

3 Question #1 Why were the Serteen Awards Program at the National level discontinued in 2014? Was it the action of the board or did staff make the decision without the board’s advice, or was it some other process? DAVID The board approves the annual budget each year. Prior to the finalization of the budget staff reviews and suggests items to be removed that are not being used or utilized any longer. The board receives a list of these items and makes the final decision to reject or approve each item. During the past several years only one to two Serteen Clubs have applied for this national award. Plus during the past four to five years these have been summited by the same clubs. Therefore, the Serteen National Award was added to the list and approved to remove from the national level. This award can still be awarded on the region and district levels.

4 Question #2 How to use public media/public records to recruit new members? Are voting records, property records, real estate transactions etc., good places for the names of prospective members? DEBBY In the non-profit world these types of recruiting efforts are not considered appropriate. Finding the right people who believe in our hearing health mission will lead to a more productive member who will in turn recruit others to join. Surveys tell us that the main reason people don’t volunteer or join service organizations is because no one asked them. This is so important and if the ask is done by someone with a personal relationship to the potential member, they may be more likely to join.

5 Question #3 Does the national office contact local media, provide ad slicks, radio overlays, etc. during National Speech and Hearing month? DEBBY Currently Sertoma does not contact the media each year about May Better Hearing and Speech month – but clubs can locally. When we have a current campaign for a purpose for May Better Hearing and Speech Month we will look at doing this on a national basis. The amount of money and return on investment is always something we look at for doing something this big and since we currently do not have a campaign to do something special with May Better Hearing and Speech month, this is not done. That being said, we do have OpEds (Opinion Editorials) for clubs to use for each of our major hearing health programs. SAFEEars!, A Sound Investment and CELEBRATE SOUND all have their own PSAs and marketing pieces that clubs can use for media information as well as May Better Hearing and Speech Month. We also have one that clubs can use for May Better Hearing and Speech month – you get to that by going on our web site, click on Members, hover over Resources so you can see Resource/Club Manual and open that page. On the bottom right column, there is a Miscellaneous heading, go under Publicity Samples and scroll through until you find the one for May Better Hearing and Speech Month.

6 Question #4 What is the most compelling reason for one to join Sertoma? Other than friendship, good meals, mission, etc., what are the other reasons that we need to know about how to recruit new members? DAVID There are many reasons individuals can and do to become members of Sertoma. From wanting to help others; be a participating citizen; committed to our cause; are retired and have professional skills they would like to continue to use and be appreciated for; they want to meet people in the community; believe it is their responsibility; or they are interested in a cause that affect them or their family directly. Plus being a club member allows them to do things they could not do on their own.

7 Question #5 At convention, why do we have to pay for speakers? Can’t the speakers “donate’ to the better of the Sertoma community? DEBBY Yes, we have worked to increase the value of the convention by bringing in professional speakers and trainers. These are professionals who do this for a living, and most speak to not for profits as a significant part of that work. We can hardly expect that they give away a significant part of their annual revenue. Staff works hard to negotiate fees, and we do usually get a sizable discount, but there is not a relationship n place that would make expecting a “free program” a reality.

8 Question #6 When Sertoma sends out an referring to something that happened a while ago, could they please include a link to the correspondence? As a relatively new member it sometimes feels that I am coming in on the 5th chapter of a book without reading the first four chapters. STEVE It is difficult to respond without some specifics, but staff always makes the effort to provide links to source materials when sending out information from the home office. If we don’t or for any other reason all any member needs to do is call or send an to headquarters and they will make sure that any member is connected to the information they require. If the correspondence is not from the home office, but from a Governor/FDR/Director, etc., they can still call, and if they provide the context, they will “link them up”.

9 Question #7 Will the training (PowerPoint and speaker notes) from the National Convention be made available to all members via the Sertoma website? DEBBY The PowerPoint and speaker notes are at best an outline – a skeleton of the training. Those are not designed to be a self-review training tool. They are a tool for a trainer to use while providing a training. We have considered options for recording trainings, as capturing the questions and interactions are key to most sessions. But to get good quality is very difficult. The other option is to do a self-study version where the trainer just records their content over the slides. But to just send out the slides and notes would not be very useful.

10 Question #8 When updates are made to various sections of the Sertoma Club Manual, can Sertoma put a note corresponding to the particular section(s) as to what’s been updated and needs to be reviewed by members? STEVE There is no longer a printed club manual, but instead we have the resource section/pages on the website. When changes to policy or programs are made those changes are noted in the Digest, News Service and other communications. Some edits, like updated forms and other structural/format changes are not posted, and it is likely other minor changes could make that list of “not disclosed”. We do most of those types of changes at year end so we can look at providing a list of those changes at year end just like we do the other changes throughout the year. Headquarters is open every day from 7:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. CST, and members of staff really do like helping the members if they have questions.

11 Participant Q&A

12 Election Process CAROL

13 Junior Vice President Candidates
Pat Aylward Held all offices in Vestal Sertoma Club Two terms as East New York District Governor Past Director – Allegheny/Canada Region FDR ad Regional Coordinator, Sertoma Annual Fund Director-at-Large Policy Committee – Chair for two years Eddie “D” Dlugopolski Past President of Burbank Sertoma Club and Director – Great Lakes Region Mission Activities and Member Services Committees Past District Governor Regional Trainer Life Member These are the two candidates who are running for the office of Jr. Vice President. To find out more about them please visit the Sertoma website. Click on member, once on the member page click on Candidate Bios on the left hand side.

14 Election Process Club ballots were mailed to club February 18, 2015
Club ballots due back to headquarters April 6, 2015 by close of business Member online voting opens March 25, 2015 Member online voting closes April 5, 2015 All votes counted and certified April 8, 2015 Carol Club ballots have been mailed to Club Presidents. They used the club address if a club has one on record, if not, the ballot will be mailed to the address on record for the President You might want to remind your Presidents to check their address, if they have moved recently. They can make these changes themselves on the website. If your President has not received the ballot have them contact headquarters. Voting by members begins at midnight on March 25, 2015 Closes at 11:59:59 p.m. on April 5, 205

15 National Convention CAROL

16 If you haven’t heard there is a fantastic convention being planned for our upcoming national convention! I am really excited about how we are going to bring training to the convention that is what our members have been asking for? So many member say – I need recruitment. Or ask how can I get support for my club? Plus another biggie is how can I market my club? When you leave the convention you will have your own stories, your club stories and other information that will not only strengthen you as a Sertoman but also your club.

17 Stories are your single
Andy Goodman The Goodman Center Stories are your single most powerful communication tool! We are going to be fortunate to have joining us for our opening session, Andy Goodman, founder of the Goodman Center. The Goodman Center was founded to help good causes persuade, present, propose and recruit more effectively. Mr. Goodman will be sharing with us how to ell stories so that we as Sertomans can become more effective in our roles. Now I could go on and on about how excited I am, but I would like for you to google The Goodman Center. You will see this picture at the top of his screen. Scroll down and you will be able to watch a brief excerpt from Andy Goodman’s speech on storytelling. Everything he will be sharing with us will be the foundation of our training for the convention.

18 Walt Disney Studios Oceana Independent Sector Council on Foundations
Monitor Institute America’s Promise Alliance Walt Disney Studios Oceana Council on Foundations Here are just a few of the companies and organizations who have tapped into Mr. Goodman’s talents. A few quotes from them – He is a gifted storyteller. He has helped us find our most powerful stories, tell them in the most compelling ways, and use them to begin to rally a generation. Andy Goodman changed the way we think about our work and the way we talk about our work. His approach to storytelling is a powerful tool for seeing your work afresh, and for telling the world what you do. You will use what you learn…..all the time. Andy Goodman is clear and funny and passionate and a relentless advocate for the power of storytelling. Independent Sector Encore.Org.

19 Training Workshops

20 My Recruitment Story All training in this workshop will be tied to storytelling as it has been proven that non profits need these to be successful. Participants will first think back to on how they were recruited (why they joined), why they are still a member and what will keep them in Sertoma. During all this they will develop their story to use when they return home and hopefully share with other members. All will be done in an interactive atmosphere.

21 My Fundraising Story What would your community do without your Sertoma Club? The story of your experience must have a “why” behind it. The story of your experience must come from the voice of those impacted and this session will ask you to dig deep and begin to look at the impact you have on a person, a project, an organization and/or your community as a whole. What is your definition of or expectations for fundraising and how do you determine how those dollars support your mission? How do you tell your story?

22 Sertoma Café Our Sertoma Café will be open on Friday and Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. You will also be given longer breaks to enjoy refreshments and exchange stories with other members.

23 Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown
Rooms $115 per night Room Block Deadline March 15, 2015 First off we have a great location! A place that we can relax and enjoy each others company in Raleigh, NC at the Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown. The hotel has given us a great rate of $115 per night. Plus there is no fee for a shuttle from the airport to the hotel for those who are flying in. You can find all the information concerning the convention on our website along with the registration form. Registration Deadline April 3, 2015

24 Housekeeping Recording Question and Answer Update
Thursday, February Question and Answer Update Week to ten days Next Training for all Sertomans Monday, March 23, 2015

25 Sertoma Communications, Election and More!
Thanks for attending!

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