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Bring Your Own Device This is a boring PowerPoint, but an exciting new opportunity!

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Presentation on theme: "Bring Your Own Device This is a boring PowerPoint, but an exciting new opportunity!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bring Your Own Device This is a boring PowerPoint, but an exciting new opportunity!

2 Why are we doing this? Start to use technology now in the ways you will when you leave Skyview for a job, college or life. Give you more choices in the way you use technology in the classroom Learn about how wifi access and use of personal devices can help you learn Because its AWESOME.

3 Who gets what? Pilot at three schools (Skyview, River, Alki) District-filtered wi-fi access to the Internet There is no support for any apps or applications on your devices by teachers or the district. If your app or device works, great! If it doesn't, look it up on the Internets. You can always ask Mr. Ray or Mrs. Miller…they might be able to help you.

4 The choices Parent choices: To allow you to bring or not to bring Student choices: To bring or not to bring Teacher choices: To allow use in class or not allow in class Teachers CANNOT require students to have or bring devices to class

5 Who's responsible? Bring devices at your own risk This means that if you bring a device, you are responsible for keeping it safe and secure Do not leave your device in a classroom, even if the teacher allows it You are responsible for the appropriate use of your personal computing device

6 Digital Social Contract Doesnt take place of district policies or state laws concerning use of technology at school. Rules of the Road for using technology at school Core statement: As a student, I am responsible for the choices I make when I use technology.

7 The Contract 1.I am responsible for keeping my personal computer devices secure when I bring them to school. On your body, in your backpack, in your locker 2. I am responsible for keeping my digital accounts secure. Usernames and passwords are your property. Keep them safe and private.

8 The Contract 3. I am responsible for what I do when using technology at school. Dont blame the iPod. 4. I am responsible for not hurting the ability of others to learn. When you disrupt class, send nasty texts, surf inappropriate sites and show your friends, you are hurting others ability to learn.

9 The Contract 5. I am responsible for what I say and do online. Be nice, fair and truthful about things you text, post, discuss or share online. 6. I am responsible for giving credit where credit is due and respecting the intellectual property of others. Cite sources and give credit where credit is due.

10 The Contract 7. I am responsible for making good choices about when and where I use personal devices at school. If I dont... First offense: Put it away for the rest of the period Second offense: Take it away for the rest of the day Additional offenses: Go away: progressive discipline…as in you could go away….

11 Some basic questions Are parents or students expected to buy an iPad? Sorry, but NO Can I use my device anytime I want to? That would be a NO Can my teacher tell me when and where I can use devices in class? YES Can my teacher expect everyone to have a device in their class? Absolutely NO

12 How do I get on? Select the BYOD network on your device You wont be able to connect to the others…really…give up now.

13 How do I get on? If you dont see get this screen, open up a web browser on your device. (Safari, Firefox, Explorer) That will prompt this window. Use same username and password you would use to connect with a POC at school (Plain Old Computer) Username = ID# Password = password

14 How do I stay on? If you dont use the network for a period of time, you will get timed out. But you can save your username and password so that youre just one click from connecting again. Again, teachers and staff cannot support your device if it doesnt work. Ask a fellow student!

15 Any questions?

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