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Inherent – adjective – Inbuilt, genetic

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1 Inherent – adjective – Inbuilt, genetic
February 24, 2016 Word 1 Inherent – adjective – Inbuilt, genetic He could mimic printed text with alarming accuracy  and dissociate the shapes and lines from their inherent meanings.

2 February 25, 2016 Word 2 Intricate – adj. – Complicated
As Jane stared at the intricate beading on the wedding gown, she knew she had found the perfect dress. Journal 7 – Describe your life as a ghost. If you were to return to earth as a ghost after your death, who would you haunt? Why? What would you do? Etc.

3 Irrefutable – adj. – cannot be proved wrong
February 26, 2016 Word 3 Irrefutable – adj. – cannot be proved wrong When Jack received the results of the lab test, he had irrefutable evidence he was not the father of Miriam’s child. Journal 8 – Write about something that you are self-conscious about that controls your thoughts and actions. Is it something you are trying to change about yourself.

4 Using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism
February 29, 2016 Word 4 Jingoism – noun Using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism The man’s jingoism led him to attempt to destroy a federal building as a show of loyalty for his own nation.

5 March 1, 2016 Word 5 Jubilant – adj. – joyful
Chris could not control his jubilant emotions after winning the lottery.

6 March 2, 2016 Word 6 Judicious – adjective – Fair and equal
Judicious investors will only put their money into stocks which will provide them with hefty profits Journal 9 – Free Write

7 March 3, 2016 Word 7 Lament – verb – express regret over something I lament for people that believe drinking and driving is safe.

8 March 4, 2016 Word 8 Loquacious– Adj. – talkative, using too many words While Jared was shy and reserved, his twin brother Michael was outgoing and loquacious.

9 March 7, 2016 Word 9 Mendicancy – noun– begging
It is a shame that many of our veterans are forcd into mendicancy upon returning home from combat.

10 Metaphorical – noun - not literal; figurative
March 8, 2016 Word 10 Metaphorical – noun - not literal; figurative It is a context which makes its metaphorical reference to his Gospel pretty evident.

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