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Britta Hedlund, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

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1 Britta Hedlund, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
HELCOM case study Britta Hedlund, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Indicator Fact Sheets The aim of the HELCOM environmental Indicator Fact Sheets is to provide information on the recent state of and trends in the Baltic marine environment. The Indicator Fact Sheets are compiled by scientist in various research institutes around the Baltic Sea.   At present, the Indicator Fact Sheets inform about: hydrographic variations (temperature, salinity, inflows and runoff)  which largely regulate the marine life inputs and concentrations of nutrients and hazardous substances plankton blooms and species composition radioactivity illegal oil discharges. An indicator presents information using data obtained by HELCOM monitoring programmes: Pollution Load Compilations (PLC-Air and PLC-Water) Cooperative Monitoring in the Baltic Marine Environment - COMBINE Monitoring of Radioactive Sustances (MORS) Indicators try to simplify a complex reality. One indicator does not explain the complex environmental problems. Each individual indicator explains something about the one issue it represents but practically nothing about the larger features or the system as a whole. Therefore the information presented in the Indicator Reports are at times combined in thematic and periodic assessments (e.g. the Baltic Marine Environment (2003) and the Fourth Baltic Sea Pollution Load Compilation (2004), ) which provide a more holistic approach to the complex environmental problems and their reasons. In the near future, one important function of the indicators will be to show how the ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs) set by HELCOM are met. 

2 HELCOM assessment system
HELCOM assessment system is based on indicator Fact Sheets thematic assessments and holistic assessments

3 Concerning indicator fact sheets.
Indicators try to simplify a complex reality. One indicator does not explain the complex environmental problems. Each individual indicator explains something about the one issue it represents but practically nothing about the larger features or the system as a whole. Indicator Fact Sheets The aim of the HELCOM environmental Indicator Fact Sheets is to provide information on the recent state of and trends in the Baltic marine environment. The Indicator Fact Sheets are compiled by scientist in various research institutes around the Baltic Sea.   At present, the Indicator Fact Sheets inform about: hydrographic variations (temperature, salinity, inflows and runoff)  which largely regulate the marine life inputs and concentrations of nutrients and hazardous substances plankton blooms and species composition radioactivity illegal oil discharges. An indicator presents information using data obtained by HELCOM monitoring programmes: Pollution Load Compilations (PLC-Air and PLC-Water) Cooperative Monitoring in the Baltic Marine Environment - COMBINE Monitoring of Radioactive Sustances (MORS) Indicators try to simplify a complex reality. One indicator does not explain the complex environmental problems. Each individual indicator explains something about the one issue it represents but practically nothing about the larger features or the system as a whole.

4 Input of cadmium atmospheric deposition
Changes in % between 5-year average total annual nitrogen depositions in the period and in the period period Pathways and sources of hazardous substances The main pathways of hazardous substances to the marine environment are industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater - discharged directly or transported in rivers- and atmospheric deposition. Water pollution is closely monitored by all coastal states, but the methods differ from country to country, and improvements are needed for identifying relevant hazardous substances. Hazardous substances from industries are emitted from all stages of the product chain - from the raw material and the production processes, from the use of products and from the handling of products as waste.  Contaminants also originate from shipping. Special problems include the anti-fouling agents used in paints, and illegal oil releases. Inputs from the atmosphere are still high, particularly where heavy metals are concerned. Considering the prevailing wind directions, these inputs probably originate in western Europe. The loads of many hazardous substances selcted by HELCOM  for priority action have been reduced by at least 50% since the late 1980s - mainly due to the effective implementation of environmental legislation, the substitution of hazardous substances with harmless or less hazardous substances, and technological improvements. In the new EU countries and Russia the reduction of pollution by hazardous substances in the beginning of the 1990 was largely due to the decline in economical activitiy. As the discharges, emissions and lossess from point sources such industries and mines have been substantially reduced the importance of emissions from diffuse sources, like consumer products, is increasing.

5 Status - Cadmium concentrations in fish liver
General procedures The HELCOM MONAS Indicator Fact Sheets are to be developed taking into account the assessment needs of HELCOM and harmonized according to the needs of other international organizations, such as EEA and EU directives. The target is that HELCOM will have a number of approved Indicator Fact Sheets available on annual basis at the HELCOM's website. The information contained in the fact sheets forms a fundamental basis for HELCOM other assessment products. The Indicator Fact Sheets are produced and updated by responsible institutes. A list of these institutes and data centres providing Indicator Fact Sheets shall be kept updated by the HELCOM Secretariat and scrutinised by HELCOM MONAS on a regular basis. The function of Indicator Fact Sheets is many fold: They will serve as documentation of the indicators used and will be published on the web The fact sheets can be used to ensure data quality and to encourage Contracting Parties to update their data; HELCOM other assessment products will be based on the fact sheets. Heavy metals and organic pollutant still persistent in marine environment Despite the considerable reductions in the inputs of some hazardous substances to the Baltic Sea, the concentrations of heavy metals and organic pollutants in sea water are still several times higher in the Baltic Sea compared to waters of the North Atlantic.  Concentrations of contaminants in fish vary according to substance, species and location, but in general, the concentrations of cadmium, lead and PCBs have decreased. Still the content of dioxins in the fish muscle may exceed the authorized limits set by the European Commission. Overall the levels of radioactivity in the Baltic Sea water and biota have shown declining trends since the Chernobyl accident in 1986, which caused significant fallout over the area. Radioactivity is now slowly transported from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea via Kattegat. The amount of caesium-137 in Baltic Sea sediments however has remained largely unchanged, with highest concentrations in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland.

6 Assessment Cadmium concentrations in cod liver samples (adjusted for varying fat content) from south east of Gotland and Fladen, however, show significant decreasing trends.

7 Input of organic tin-compounds

8 Tin-compounds in sediment

9 Butyltins and phenyltins in perch from the Stockholm region.

10 Suggested indicator for organotin – levels in sediment


12 Key message Key message
The system with evaluation of input – state – actions work helps in the setting of objectives for environmental quality, the formulation of policies, and the setting of priorities for actions designed to protect the marine environment, and ensure it is used sustainably.

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