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Microbiology Quiz #1 Review

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1 Microbiology Quiz #1 Review

2 Vocabulary to know… Microscopic Microorganism Microbes Bacteria Virus
Eukaryotic Prokaryotic Photosynthesis Decomposition Organelles

3 What is the difference between Microorganisms and Microbes?

4 Fill in the blanks: All microorganisms are _________ and all viruses are __________.

5 Fill in the blanks: Microorganisms do NOT contain ______ because they are not _______.

6 Fill in the blanks: All microorganisms are _______ but NOT all microbes are __________. This is because _______ are microbes but not __________.

7 Why are viruses considered to be non-living?

8 Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, or Both
Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, or Both? -Genetic Material -True Nucleus -Mitochondria -Cytoplasm -Golgi Apparatus -Endoplasmic Reticulum -Ribosomes

9 Why must all cells have ribosomes? Do ribosomes have membranes?

10 Microbiology is both easy and hard to study. Explain.

11 Why is the study of microbiology so important?

12 Microorganisms may be autotrophic or heterotopic
Microorganisms may be autotrophic or heterotopic. What do these terms mean?

13 What is an extremophile and what are some of the places they live?

14 How have microorganisms changed Earth’s atmosphere, making it habitable for human life? What process did they use?

15 What is symbiosis? Give an example of symbiosis involving microorganisms and humans.

16 What makes a person lactose intolerant?

17 What type of microorganism is responsible for the production of bread
What type of microorganism is responsible for the production of bread? Why does bread appear porous?

18 What type of microorganism is responsible for the production of cheese and yogurt? Briefly describe the process of making cheese.

19 Fill in the blanks: Beer is typically ___% alcohol and is made from the sugar _____, found in ____. Wine is typically ___% alcohol and is made from the sugar _____, found in ____.

20 Fill in the blanks: During alcohol production, ____ uses ____ ____, which is an anaerobic process to metabolize sugar into ___ and ___ ____.

21 True or False. Alcohol becomes more alcoholic with age.

22 True or False. Everyone has experienced some level of food poisoning at some point during their life.

23 Botulism: How common is it
Botulism: How common is it? What warning signs are present indicating food may be contaminated by this toxic bacteria?

24 Listeria: How common is it
Listeria: How common is it? Why is listeria often considered a sneaky bacteria? What process makes milk safe and free of listeria?

25 Salmonella: What foods may be contaminated? Can it be prevented?

26 E. Coli: Where is E. coli beneficial. What foods may be contaminated
E. Coli: Where is E. coli beneficial? What foods may be contaminated? Can it be prevented? What makes E. coli so difficult to treat?

27 Any Questions????

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