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Greek Art and Archaeology

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1 Greek Art and Archaeology
Lecture 10: Archaic Sculpture

2 Dipylon Ivory, mid VIII 0.24 m
Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1.75 m, Athens NM 1; Auxerre Statuette 630s, 0.63 m, Louvre (Biers, 122, 143)

3 Cleobis and Biton, ~590, Delphi, 2
Cleobis and Biton, ~590, Delphi, m; Old Kingdom statuette, ~2400, 0.30 m

4 New York Kouros, ~600, 1. 93 m (Biers, 166); Sounium Kouros, ~600, 3
New York Kouros, ~600, 1.93 m (Biers, 166); Sounium Kouros, ~600, 3.3 m (Athens NM 2720)

5 Dipylon Head, ~590, 0.44 m (Athens NM 3372)

6 Volomandra Kouros, ~555, 1.79 m (Athens NM 1906); Melian Kouros, ~550, 2.14m.

7 "Kroisos," Kouros from Anavyssos,. ~530, 2
"Kroisos," Kouros from Anavyssos,. ~530, 2.01 m (Athens NM 1904) (Biers, 168)

8 Pireaus Apollo, hollow cast bronze, ~525, 1.92 m (Piraeus Museum)

9 Aristodikos Kouros, ~500, 1.98 m (Athens NM 3938); Critios Boy, ~480, 0.86 m (Athens AM 698) (Biers, 168)

10 Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1.75 m (Athens NM 1); Berlin Kore, ~580, 6’3” (Biers, 169)

11 Phrasikleia, Merenda in Attica, ~550 (NM)(Biers, color plate)
How to put on the peplos

12 How to put on the chiton. Hawk Priestess, Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, ivory, early VI, 0.11 m (Istanbul Arch Mus) Cheramyes Kore, ~560, 1.95 m (Louvre Ma 686)

13 Geneleus group, 560-50: Philippe, Ornithe (in Berlin); Samian Heraeon

14 Pomegranate Kore, ~560, 0. 99 (AM 593); Naxian Kore, ~560, 1
Pomegranate Kore, ~560, 0.99 (AM 593); Naxian Kore, ~560, 1.43 (AM 619)

15 Lyon Kore, ~540, 1. 13 m (Louvre + Athens KM); Antenor Kore, ~530, 2
Lyon Kore, ~540, 1.13 m (Louvre + Athens KM); Antenor Kore, ~530, m (AM 681); Peplos Kore, ~530, 1.20 m (AM 679) (Biers, 170)

16 Chiote Kore, ~510, 0. 55 m (AM 675) (Biers, 171); La Delicata, ~500, 0
Chiote Kore, ~510, 0.55 m (AM 675) (Biers, 171); La Delicata, ~500, 0.92 m (AM 674); Euthydikos Kore, early V, 0.58, 0.42 m (AM 686, 609)(Biers, 172)

17 Berlin Kore, Naxian Kore, Euthydikos Kore

18 Moscophoros, ~ 575, 1. 65 m (AM 634); Rampin Horseman, mid VI, head 0
Moscophoros, ~ 575, 1.65 m (AM 634); Rampin Horseman, mid VI, head 0.29 m (AM 590 and Louvre 3104)

19 Tempe of Artemis, Corfu, ~570
(Biers, 156)

20 The Olive Tree Pediment and Hecatompedon Sculpture, mid VI

21 The Old Temple of Athena, Gigantomachy, ~525-13; Sicyonian Treasury, Delphi, metope, ~ 550

22 Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, east frieze and pediment, north frieze, ~525 (Biers, 173-76)

23 Pediments from the Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, 490s-480s (Biers, 176-80)

24 Pediments from the Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, 490s-480s (Biers, 176-80)
Students from the American School of Classical Studies recreate the western pediment.

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