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Welcome to U.S. Government & Politics!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to U.S. Government & Politics!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to U.S. Government & Politics!!!
I am Mr. Morgana and this is ROOM 305 Preamble (WARM UP/DO NOW) Fill out the following Information on an index card on desk First and Last Name IN BIG BOLD LETTERS Name of adult (s) in your life who make decisions for you (i.e. Parent) Best number(s) to reach this adult Language they prefer to communicate in (i.e. Span, Eng) Your address that you use regularly ONE very amazing thing about you that not many people know

FRONT OF CARD PAUL MORGANA BACK/LINED PART Adult: Nora Campanini (mom) Num: (626) Lang: Span ONE THING ABOUT ME: I lived in England for a year during 3rd year of college

3 What is this action below called?

4 Surviving the stampede…
You will now watch a video of a stampede of bulls What you are thinking as you watch the video: What would I do to survive a stampede of bulls? Stampede of Bulls Now that you have seen what a stampede looks like: Turn to the person next to you (THIS IS YOUR STAR WARS PARTNER) Jedis you speak first, then Empire you go next Each person share what you would do (30-45 seconds each person) Bringing ideas out to the “FLOOR” (our space when talk as a whole group is called The Floor- as it is called in Congress when Congress/Senate speak as a whole

A STAMPEDE OF BULLS… The video is from the annual Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain Since 1924, only 15 people have been killed during this festival ( pamplona-bull-run/) Does anyone know why this number is so low? WHAT YOU SAW WAS A RUNNING OF THE BULLS… SO WHAT?...

6 The Stampede Survival experts recommend only one of the following actions when a stampede of animals is going to run you over: A. Lying down and curling up, covering your head and arms B. Running directly at the bulls, screaming wildly and waving your arms in an attempt to scare them away C. Standing completely still- they see you and run away D. Turning and running in the same direction the bulls are running (even though you know you can’t outrun them) E. Screaming bad words at your parents

7 The Information Stampede
You are growing up in an Age of Information. More than ever before in history, the ability to read and write will determine how far you will go in this world. For the most part people who can read and write will compete and prosper; people who read and write poorly, will be left behind. Simply put, there is a literacy stampede approaching, and it is bearing down right on top of you. What should you do?

8 YOUR OPTIONS… A. Go home, curl up on the sofa, watch MTV, and hope demands of literacy go away. B. Stare the Information Age in the face, scream at it, put your hands in the air and make it go away. C. Elevate your reading and writing skills to the point that you can run with the stampede. D. Stand completely still and pray that it will avoid you. E. Scream bad words at your parents for conceiving you.

9 So what does this mean for you?...
Are you going to shut down? Are you going to run with the bulls?

10 Where is your head at right now?
Take 2 mins to WRITE DOWN the following: (This is to help you process information, more on this later) ONE positive reaction to the information presented ONE area of concern or worry you are feeling right now FOR EXAMPLE: I feel that I can use my last 10 years of experience to really step up my game this year and get ALL seniors to where they need to be. I am concerned that this is going to be a major shift for me and seniors and worry how we are going to get through this big struggle


12 The Year of adjustments
For You To Consider as You Start This New Year: Experience Your past Fresh start Changing old habits Setting goals 3 magic words… I NEED HELP! Does anyone know the clinical definition of insanity? Repeating the same behavior expecting a different result With this in mind, this year you are making adjustments

13 Adjusting requires control
YOU are in more control than you think YOU are making choices I can only control what happens in this classroom

14 Fear is a funny little thing…
Humans being are not complicated when it comes to fear…being afraid is one of the most natural emotions we ALL feel. The question is about how we react to the fear. Take 2 mins to make a list to yourself about EVERYTHING you are afraid of right now as you start your senior year With your partner, share these fears you wrote down- take 1 min each The best thing to do when you’re afraid…is to talk about them…thrown them out to the open…you’ll find some comfort in a second… Bringing the FEAR out to the floor… FIGHT FLIGHT

15 Things to know: I am the Senior Activities Director
ALL THINGS SENIOR YEAR YOU COME TO ME!  Don’t follow the “I heard…” statement- ALWAYS CONFIRM WITH ME Attendance is going to be CAREFULLY tracked There will be loss of senior activities when you hit a certain number of absences per semester- you can earn them back with perfect attendance Phone call system is still in effect more on this later… Academic Integrity (AKA cheating) will also be carefully tracked and handled

16 Checking in so far… Gotta run with the Bulls!!!!!
Keeping track of many things this year FIGHT or FLIGHT Reflection and you’re outta here!! Take 1 minute to pick one word that summarizes your feelings about information presented WHIP AROUND Everyone one will share this one word before we end this session

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