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Artstor Made Easy: Online Basics Julia Simic University of Oregon VRC

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Presentation on theme: "Artstor Made Easy: Online Basics Julia Simic University of Oregon VRC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Artstor Made Easy: Online Basics Julia Simic University of Oregon VRC
2008 OIV 3.0

2 Table of Contents Part 1: Accessing Artstor
Getting to Artstor: Mac vs. PC Registration Preferences Instructor Privileges Part 2: Workspace and Menu Artstor online Menu Bar Part 3: Finding Images Browsing Collections Basic Searches Advanced Searches Navigating Search Results Image Display Formats Part 4: Working with Images Selecting Images Creating Folders Creating Groups Shared Folders Viewing Metadata File Properties Adding Commentary Adding Personal Notes Part 5: Folder Administration Moving Groups Between Folders Access Controls Student Usage Part 6: Personal Collections Uploading Personal Files Personal Collection Administration

3 Getting to Artstor: Mac vs. PC
1.1 Through the Photographs, Maps and Images page off the UO Libraries homepage: OR

4 Artstor is a licensed resource available to UO faculty, staff,
1.1 Artstor is a licensed resource available to UO faculty, staff, and students. Once registered, it can be accessed from anywhere. Registration must be done on campus or through the UO Virtual Private Network. Artstor requires: Java 1.3 or higher Flash 6 or later Cookies enabled Pop-up blocker disabled Mac users may have problems logging on to Artstor if they are using Mozilla or Netscape as their browser. The use of Safari is highly recommended!

5 It will take several seconds for Artstor to load.
1.1 Once you are at the Artstor home page, click the Go button at the upper right. It will take several seconds for Artstor to load.

6 Registration 1.2 If you have never used Artstor before you will need to register Click the Register button at the top right and follow the directions

7 1.3 Preferences You may change your password or user profile at any time by accessing the Preferences under the Tools menu

8 Instructor Privileges
1.4 Instructor Privileges Users with instructor privileges can create Shared Folders, add Instructor Commentary, and upload Personal Collections to Artstor. To obtain Instructor privileges, please contact Julia Simic or Ed Teague You will be asked to sign and return a waiver before the privileges are granted.

9 2.1 Artstor Online Once you have logged on you will be sent to the Home page. All Artstor resources and tools are accessible from here. You can return to the Home page at any time by clicking Home on the menu bar.

10 Menu Bar Home: return to Home page Back: return to the previous page
2.2 Menu Bar Home: return to Home page Back: return to the previous page History: lists your previous pages Collections: lists the collections provided by Artstor Advanced Search: opens the Advanced Search dialog box Image Groups: lists options for adding groups and images to groups View: changes format of search results and image groups Tools: Shared folder, Folder Administration and Personal Collections access Logoff: log off from your account Help: get help or report a problem Exit: exit Artstor

11 Browsing Collections 3.1 All Artstor collections can be explored from the Home page or from the Collections menu Artstor organizes collections hierarchically for easy navigation. The number in parentheses indicates how many images exist under that classification. Click on the + to expand the hierarchy, click on the name of the classification to bring up all the images.

12 Basic Searches 3.2 Queries that search all the metadata associated with an image can be made from the Home page or from within a found Group of images via the Basic Search box. Both options allow you to narrow your search by collection. Search option from within a Group (upper right corner.) Note that from here you can also narrow your search to the Group of images you have already found. Basic search from the Home page

13 3.3 Advanced Searches The Advanced Search menu allows for more specific queries in multiple fields, within chosen collections and by general classifications Notes and Commentaries may also be searched by word or phrase Click on the collection, geographical designation or object classification to select. Click again to deselect

14 Navigating Search Results
3.4 Navigating Search Results Search results will normally be up to 24 thumbnails at a time. If the search returns more than 24 hits, pages of thumbnails can be viewed by using the navigation toolbar at the upper left.

15 Thumbnail mode is the default
Image Display Formats 3.5 Images from searches or Groups can be displayed and sorted in several ways. Options can be found under the View menu Thumbnail mode is the default

16 List mode supplies some metadata and larger thumbnails
3.5 List mode supplies some metadata and larger thumbnails

17 3.5 The Slide Sorter allows you to view all the images in a group on one page. The order of the images can be changed by clicking and dragging an image to a different place.

18 Images can also be sorted automatically by Title, Creator, or Date.
3.5 Images can also be sorted automatically by Title, Creator, or Date. View > List Image Titles will display an Alphabetical list of all image titles in the group.

19 To select an image simply single-click on it. A yellow box will
Working with Images 4.1 To select an image simply single-click on it. A yellow box will appear around the thumbnail. To de-select the image, click on it again.

20 Creating Folders 4.2 Folders are the building blocks for organizing images you collect in Artstor. When you register with Artstor a folder called My Work Folder is automatically created for you. This is accessible only after you create a group in it through the View Image Groups pull-down menu on the Home page. We recommend that in addition to My Work Folder you also create one Shared Folder for each class you teach

21 Groups are the next smallest unit of organization. Multiple
4.3 Creating Groups Groups are the next smallest unit of organization. Multiple Groups can be housed in a Folder. Groups can only be created after you have selected images. Click on one or more images then go to the Image Groups menu and choose Save selected images to a new group. A dialog box will open for you to choose the Folder and to name the Group. Click in the Group field to name the new Group.

22 Shared folders can be created by Instructors to limit access to
4.4 Shared Folders Shared folders can be created by Instructors to limit access to image collections to only users with a password, such as class participants. Go to Tools > Create Shared Folder The first dialog you see asks you To name your shared folder. This Name does not have to be unique. The second box asks you to decide who can see your folder. If you wish to limit Read access to a certain group of people choose Selected users with password and create a new password.

23 security cannot be the same as the password you just made up.
4.4 You are now asked to if you want to limit Write access to only yourself or to a group of people with another password. Note: the password for Write security cannot be the same as the password you just made up. Lastly, you are asked if you would like to create Work Folders for everyone who can access the folder using either of the passwords. This is especially good in using Artstor for class assignments, as these work folders can be limited by date.

24 4.4 You can access shared folders you create at any time by going to View Image Groups on the home page or by going to the Image Groups menu and choosing Open Group. Your students must access a shared folder by going to the Tools > Access Shared Folder. They will be asked to supply their name and the Read or Write password you created.

25 4.5 Viewing Metadata Limited metadata can be seen in the List Mode. To see full metadata and a large image, double-click on any thumbnail. A new window will open. Click the i button for full metadata

26 Metadata can also be viewed by
4.5 Metadata can also be viewed by Clicking on an image caption in the Thumbnail mode Clicking Full Record in the List mode

27 4.6 File Properties Information about the image file can be viewed under the File Properties tab An Image URL can be dropped into Blackboard for quick access

28 4.7 Adding Commentary Personal commentary can also be added to the metadata of images. Click the caption or Full Record to see the image information. Click the Instructor’s Commentary tab, then click in the blank field and type. In order for people who have access to your images to see the commentary, unclick the Hide Commentary box.

29 4.8 Adding Personal Notes Notes can also be added to images. Click the caption or Full Record to see the image information. Click the Personal Notes tab, then click in the blank field and type. Only you have access to your Personal Notes

30 Moving Groups Between Folders
5.1 Moving Groups Between Folders Groups can be copied from one folder to another by going to Tools > Folder Administration Click on a folder in the left pane, then drag a group from the right pane onto the name of another folder You will get a confirmation message if the group was successfully moved

31 5.2 Access Controls Folder titles and passwords can be added, deleted or changed under the Access Controls tab under Tools > Folder Administration

32 5.3 Student Usage You can monitor who has logged in to a shared folder by going to Tools > Student Administration and clicking on the folder name The student’s name and their access privileges (either R or W) will be listed here

33 You can also allow others to view your Groups by sending them
5.3 You can also allow others to view your Groups by sending them the URL for a Group. Go to Image Groups > Display Image Group URL This URL can be accessed by anyone who has it—even people who don’t have the password to a Shared Folder

34 Uploading Personal Files
6.1 Uploading Personal Files Images not available through Artstor can be uploaded into your Personal Collection. View your personal collection from the Home page once you have logged in.

35 6.1 Browsing your personal collection is just like browsing an Artstor collection Click on the + to expand the hierarchy, click on the name of the classification to bring up all the images. The first time you upload files, they will all be under My Personal Collection. You can add a hierarchical structure afterwards

36 Upload files from Tools > Personal Collection Media File Upload
6.1 Upload files from Tools > Personal Collection Media File Upload Only 5 files may be uploaded at a time Click upload to begin Click cancel to close

37 Upload metadata for your image files from Tools >
6.1 Upload metadata for your image files from Tools > Personal Collection Metadata File Upload Only 5 files may be uploaded at a time

38 6.1 More than 5 images at a time can be added to My Personal Collection from the OIV. See Artstor’s Offline Image Viewer at for more information. In the OIV, select the images from the Image Palette (Shift+click for multiple images) and click the Add selected images to Artstor button or go to File > Upload selected images(s)

39 Personal Collection Administration
6.2 Personal Collection Administration Go to Tools > Personal Files Administration Click on My Personal Collection in the left pane All the files you have uploaded are listed in the right pane Select an image by clicking on it Click the Edit button

40 Double-click on the field to enter or change data
6.2 The Edit box allows you to view metadata, add Commentary and Notes just like an Artstor image. To edit, click All Fields Double-click on the field to enter or change data You can also allow everyone at UO to see your personal images by selecting Institutional Access Click Save after you have made changes, then click Back

41 The new category is empty until you put something in it
6.2 To create a group within your personal collection, select My Personal Collection, and click New Category. Double-click the New Category to rename it. The new category is empty until you put something in it

42 Drag and drop files from My Personal Collection into the new category
6.2 Drag and drop files from My Personal Collection into the new category You will get a confirmation message if the move was successful

43 6.2 Create a smaller group by selecting a sub-group and clicking New Category. There are only three levels of hierarchy possible: My Personal Collection, a group, and a sub-group.

44 To exit Personal Collection Administration, click Close
6.2 To exit Personal Collection Administration, click Close To exit and view part or all of your Personal Collection, click the Browse button. This will open your selection in the Thumbnail mode.

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