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“The Unification of Germany”

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1 “The Unification of Germany”

2 I.) The German States in 1815 Congress of Vienna in 1815, 39 German States formed a loose grouping called the German Confederation 1. Two largest states: * Prussia (German ethncity) * Austria-Hungary (Mixed ethnicity)

3 II.) Nationalism Movement Begins
Napoleon Bonaparte’s 7 year rule over German States inspired nationalism movement B. Industrialization of Prussia results in: 1. Junkers (conservative wealthy landowners) 2. Zollverein (trade union allowing free trade in German States) Revolution of 1848 in Berlin Result: liberal constitution

4 III.) Prussia Leads Unification
1861 Wilhelm I becomes King of Prussia 1. reforms army (2x size) B. Otto van Bismarck named prime minister 1. believed the “state” should hold power; not the people 2. Master of Realpolitik 3. ignores constitution & rules without approval

5 IV.) Road to Unification
Goal: Expand empire to increase patriotism 1. The Danish War (1864): - Prussia/Austria vs. Denmark - gain two territories 2. Seven Weeks War (1866): - Prussia vs. Austria - Treaty of Prague: ends war; dissolves German Confederation; creates Northern German Confederation (Prussia leads) 3. Franco-Prussian War (1870): - Prussia vs. France - goal of war is to unite w/south - France surrenders to Prussia

6 V.) Germany Is United German states meet on 1871 in “Hall of Mirrors” at Palace of Versailles B. New Government 1. declare the formation of the German Empire 2. Second Reich is a Limited Constitutional Monarchy 3. Wilhelm I declared Kaiser 4. Otto van Bismarck named “chancellor”

7 C. Legislative Branch: 1. Bundesrat: upper house w/58 members
2. Reichstag: lower house; w/ 400 members elected by universal manhood suffrage Outcome: - Reichstag has limited powers - Prussia influences power most

8 VI.) Early Years United Wilhelm II becomes Kaiser in 1888
Bismarck leads massive industrialization in Germany Wilhelm II becomes Kaiser in 1888 Outcomes: 1. Bismarck forced to resign 2. Expands German influence around the world 3. Germany will become military and industrial power B. Kulterkampf (anti-catholic programs) C. Socialism rises and gives way to social reforms

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