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What are your top five facts about Russia?

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Presentation on theme: "What are your top five facts about Russia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are your top five facts about Russia?
Lesson 6  Plenary

2 first things first Write out a list of the top five facts you have learned about Russia this term

3 What kinds of fact did you choose?
Connection Places Physical processes Human processes Future security Geographers are interested in many different kinds of fact What sort did you choose? The characteristics of places How places are connected with other places globally How environments are shaped by physical processes How places are shaped by human processes and history How people and places can be important for future global security

4 Russia is an amazing place
Add the class’s top facts here What are your top facts about what Russia is like, such as its size or climate?

5 Russia is a connected place
Add the class’s top facts here What are your top facts about how Russia is linked with the rest of the world, both now and in the past?

6 Russia is shaped by physical processes
Add the class’s top facts here What physical processes operate in Russia, influencing the character of its mountains, soils, climate and biomes?

7 Russia is shaped by human processes
Add the class’s top facts here What important human events have happened in Russia, influencing how it has changed and developed over time?

8 Russia influences global security
Add the class’s top facts here Why is it important to know about Russia in the 21st Century? Why does it continue to have power and influence?


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