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Reflective Listening Reflective listening is a communication strategy involving 2 key steps Seeking to understand a speakers idea then offering the idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflective Listening Reflective listening is a communication strategy involving 2 key steps Seeking to understand a speakers idea then offering the idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflective Listening Reflective listening is a communication strategy involving 2 key steps Seeking to understand a speakers idea then offering the idea back to the speaker, to confirm the idea has been understood correctly It attempts to ‘reconstruct’ what the client is thinking and feeling and to relay this understanding back to the client (Wikipedia 2012)

2 Summarising A Summary is a shorter version of the original. Such a simplification highlights the major points from the much longer subject, such as text, speech, film, or event. The purpose is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time (Wikipedia 2012)

3 The benefits of providing a summary are..
A summary allows the client to review their plans, it also crystallises these plans in the clients mind. An accurate summary also helps to build rapport. It should include the following

4 Summarising Confirm the quit date, choice of medication and supply, and any preparations they should undertake prior to their quit date Summarise the reasons why the client wants to stop smoking, and what support is available to them and what barriers they may face, check that this summary is correct Are there any questions that you have about the preperations you need to make or what you are going to do on your quit date? (NCSCT Standard treatment program 2011)

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