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Language Arts: Monday 5-13

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1 Language Arts: Monday 5-13
With the person sitting next to you, define True Rhyme, Alliteration, and Personification. Write on a separate piece of paper definitions and examples of each. Make sure one of you keeps this paper in a safe place for tomorrow, because you will turn it in for a grade at the end of the week. (Start at Min. 1:40)

2 “For What It’s Worth”: Buffalo Springfield Find: True Rhyme, Alliteration, & Personification
There's something happening here What it is ain't exactly clear There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware Chorus: I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down There's battle lines being drawn Nobody's right if everybody's wrong Young people speaking their minds Getting so much resistance from behind (Chorus) What a field-day for the heat A thousand people in the street Singing songs and carrying signs Mostly say, hooray for our side Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line, the man come and take you away (Chorus 2X) Stop, now, what's that sound Stop, children, what's that sound

3 Review Firework Test With the person sitting next to you, compare your test answers. Continue to underline and identify more elements of poetry as you hear the song again.

Choose a song that is school appropriate to identify elements of poetry in. Print out the lyrics. On a separate piece of paper (or the back of your printed out lyrics), answer at least 10 of the questions on the analysis worksheet you’ve been given. You will have the opportunity to play the song for the class if you turn everything in on time. Label what questions you’ve answered. The analysis and lyrics will be due on Wednesday, and we will present songs on Thursday. Letter to the Playground Bully

5 Language Arts: Tuesday 5-14
Just like we did yesterday in partners, we will be analyzing song lyrics using elements of poetry. On the same paper from yesterday, define Simile, Hyperbole, Metaphor, and True Rhyme. Give an example for each as well.

6 “Cowboy Casanova”: Carrie Underwood Songwriters: Elizondo, Michael A Jr; James, Brett; Underwood, Carrie Find: Simile, Hyperbole, Metaphor, True Rhyme You better take it from me That boy is like a disease You run and you try and you're tryin' to hide And you're wondering why you can't get free He's like a curse, he's like a drug You'll get addicted to his love You wanna get out, but he's holdin' you down 'Cause you can't live without one more touch Chorus: He's a, a good time, cowboy Casanova Leaning up against the record machine He looks like a cool drink of water But he's candy-coated misery He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes And he only comes out at night Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight You better run for your life I see that look on your face You ain't hearing what I say So I'll say it again, 'cause I been where you been And I know how it ends, you can't get away Don't even look in his eyes He'll tell you nothing but lies And you wanna believe but you won't be deceived If you listen to me and take my advice Chorus Run run away, don't let him mess with your mind He'll tell you anything you wanna hear He'll break your heart, it's just a matter of time But just remember Oh, you better run for your life

7 Roll the Dice Poem Use the dice to create a poem for yourself. This will be due tomorrow with your Song Lyric assignment. You should be able to finish with the rest of the time in class.

8 Language Arts: Wednesday 5-15
Turn in your song lyric assignment to THE HUB. Sit on your desk if you want to share your dice poem.

9 Extra Time to Be Inspired

10 Language Arts: Thursday 5-16
Today we will share the poetry assignments that are due. When you get yours back, review what elements you want to present. (present at least three that you analyzed.) While others are sharing, write down a list of your favorite song examples. “On Girls Lending Pens”

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