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Goal for tonight: To live “a day in the life” of your child.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal for tonight: To live “a day in the life” of your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Gibbons Math/Room 209
Goal for tonight: To live “a day in the life” of your child. If you want to discuss grades, progress, abilities, homework completion, missing assignments, etc. Please contact me to set up a private meeting.

2 Helpful Hints How class works: Class content
Canvas (Learning goal and homework) Do Now Homework Class content

3 Helpful Hints Grades ~ Skyward Professionalism~ 20% Assessment ~ 80%
Homework (Practice) Classwork Formative Assessments (Quizzes) Assessment ~ 80% Summative Assessments (District Tests)

4 Helpful Hints Communication
is best ~ Teacher webpage Canvas

5 Hints Cont. Help Before school Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:15-8:45. (Tuesday and Wednesday as well when I don’t have meetings)

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