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About SETDA SETDA is a 15 year old non-profit that serves, supports, and represents U.S. state digital learning leaders. Mission is to build and increase.

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Presentation on theme: "About SETDA SETDA is a 15 year old non-profit that serves, supports, and represents U.S. state digital learning leaders. Mission is to build and increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 About SETDA SETDA is a 15 year old non-profit that serves, supports, and represents U.S. state digital learning leaders. Mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. Forum for: Advocacy for policy and practice Professional learning Inter-state collaboration Public-private partnerships State - federal relations Follow

2 About SETDA Members & Partners
SETDA Members include: State Leaders: Members from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Guam & American Samoa. SEAs establish the membership and identify multiple participants. Affiliates: Organizations that through collaboration bolster efforts to advance education through technology policy and practice. Four Affiliate Categories: Statewide or Regional Membership Associations, Higher Education, International, Districts. Private Sector Partners: Non-profit & for-profit private sector partners (platinum/gold/emerging) & channel partners that align with our mission, priorities, & advocacy goals. Introduce yourself, review the key sections and any logistics for the session.

3 Shift to Personalizing Learning

4 Resources SETDA has a track record advocating for digital learning:
Quality Instructional Materials 2018 Updated March 2018 Navigating the Digital Shift Reports 2018, 2017 & 2015 Transformative Digital Learning Guide 2018 State Procurement Case Studies 2017 State Wi-Fi Leadership 2017 Broadband Imperative II 2016 Introduce yourself, review the key sections and any logistics for the session.

5 Guide to Quality Content

6 DMAPS The Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States (DMAPS) - an online database providing state and territory policies and practices related to the acquisition of digital instructional materials in K12 education.

7 Navigating the Digital Shift
Data Sets Key Findings State Leadership Essential Conditions State Examples District Exemplars Next Steps

8 State Procurement Case Studies
Adoption state, non-adoption state, state master contract, or local control No “one-size fits all” approach Deeper dive into state procurement processes Highlight state procurement implementation strategies Showcase procurement and acquisition process in four states

9 Goals of Procurement Case Studies
Leaders in the implementation of digital learning in their districts and schools Highlight different approaches to the procurement process Provide roadmaps for other states that are moving forward to implement digital learning materials policies and procedures

10 Details Utah - over 90% of districts leverage state approved.
SUmming up - we have reflections and examples of various states..

11 Sustained Support Join the online community
Essential Elements for Digital Content

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